An aiohttp-based client for the Emote Collector API.
import aioec
anonymous_client = aioec.Client()
authenticated_client = aioec.Client(token='your token here')
local_client = aioec.Client(base_url='http://ec.localhost:2018/api/v0') # no trailing slash!
# this step isn't necessary but makes sure that your token is correct
my_user_id = await client.login()
# it returns the user ID associated with your token
# in a coroutine...
emote = await client.emote('Think') # Think
await emote.edit(name='Think_', description='a real happy thinker')
# remove the description:
await emote.edit(description=None)
for gamewisp_emote in await'GW'):
await gamewisp_emote.delete()
all_emotes = [emote async for emote in client.emotes()]
popular_emotes = await client.popular()
await client.close()
# it's also a context manager:
async with aioec.Client(token=my_token) as client:
await client.delete('Think_')
# this will automatically close the client
With the Tor hidden services
You'll need to install aiohttp_socks first.
from aiohttp_socks import SocksConnector
import aioec
connector = SocksConnector(port=9050, rdns=True) # without rdns, the connector will fail to resolve onions
client = aioec.Client(
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