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Project Overview

In this project, I harnessed the capabilities of Next.js and seamlessly integrated the dummyJSON API ( to craft a dynamic web application that excels in the following functionalities:

User Authentication

  • Implemented a robust login system within the application.
  • Successfully retrieved and prominently displayed the user's email from the login response.

Product Listing

  • Developed a comprehensive product listing feature, showcasing all available products.
  • Implemented a user-friendly pagination mechanism, allowing seamless navigation through the list of products.

Product Details

  • Implemented an intuitive feature enabling users to access detailed information about a specific product.
  • Ensured that the product details are presented in a clear and user-friendly manner.

Product Categories

  • Established a seamless interface for users to explore and discover all available product categories.
  • Implemented a streamlined process for users to view products within a selected category, enhancing the overall user journey.

Category Distribution Chart

  • Leveraged the power of Chart.js to integrate an insightful pie chart.
  • Visualized the distribution of products across different categories, providing users with a quick and engaging overview.

These functionalities collectively contribute to a well-rounded and user-centric web application, where users can seamlessly navigate, explore products, and gain valuable insights into product distribution.

Feel free to explore the application and experience these features firsthand!

Tech Used

  • Framework: Next.js
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS
  • Data Source: dummyJSON API
  • Charting Library: Chart.js
  • Icons: React Icons

Getting Started

Option 1: Use the Deployed Version

Access the deployed application here:

Option 2: Run Locally


Clone the project repository or download the source code to your local machine.

Install the required dependencies by running:

npm install
# or
yarn install
# or
bun install

Start the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Login Instructions

  • Upon launching the application, you will be directed to the login page.
  • Refer to the dummyJSON documentation for valid login credentials:
  • Example credentials: Username: atuny0 Password: 9uQFF1Lh

Navigating the Application

  • Successful login redirects you to the homepage, where links to the products, categories, and pie chart pages are available.

  • Utilize the icons at the top right corner for profile access and logout functionality.