- learning list Contents to learn for computer science.
- Learning Platform and resources Platforms for computer scientist to learn and get updated.
- Recommend learning sequence How to start learning computer science from scratch.
And what to learn for each track in ISTD.
- Chrome This is about some apps on chrome that can make you more efficient
- LaTex LaTeX learning resources
- cuda Cuda installation, and gpu related commands
- customize_computer beautify your computer
- Docker how to run docker with jupyter notebook etc commands
- Git Version control commands as well as more utilities
- GoogleCloud How to use GoogleCloud as well as some resources
- linux linux related comands and learning resources, such as setting up your environment for experiments etc.
- data science data science learning resources
- Interview Interview questions in Python and how to prepare them
- python reference a cheetsheet on python different functions.
- setup how to use conda and pip commands and learning resources
- Digital world Term3 digital world notes
- utils
- download_url download urls from a csv file, this is useful for collecting data sometimes.
- Readme how to learn python
- debugger how to use python debugger
- magic methods in python python magic methods.
- building standalone python distribution
- style guide python pep8 and google code style guide
learning resources in SQL
Dynamic Programming each Dynamic programming language implemented in various languages.
algorithms different algorithms and their classic examples
interview questions to be created
- Design Pattern Java Design pattern and their examples
- Info Sys notes Notes to Introduction to Infomation System for Term4 ISTD.
- Andriod Developer Fundamental version2 Overview| Andriod Developer Fundamental version2 concepts
- Andriod Developer Fundamental version1 for sql
matlab learning resources