Make a difference in the life of a child with a need
This website is all about home tutor who provides different kind of service for child . Many parents busy with their job,business .so they don't spend their time with their children . so this person provide necessary service what children badly needed .
Any parents can book him using create an account which i'm implement using firebase .
Their is a protect route ,if anyone want to book him to click book now button he/she will redirect to login if .if he/she login/ create an account they can will book him .
I'm also add a Testimonial section .so parent can know this is helpful or nor .
In blog page i'm post some blog . an about page i'am share my future goal and how I am working hard to achieve my goal .
React js
React Bootstrap
React hot toast
React firebase hooks
React icon
React rating stars component
React router dom
React Animation