Release Notes:
- Fix intermitent failing test due regex generation issues
- Add idempotency and security headers in cats stats
- Fix issue in OverflowMapSize when map was null
- Optimize String generation and accomodate different corner cases based on size and regex
- Fix issue with JSON keys having spaces in name
- Add possibility to have multiple additional parameters in ref data file
- Throw exception when field is declared in path, but it doesn't have a definition
- Skip regex matching against schema pattern for VeryLargeXXXInFields fuzzers
- Fix matching paths failing due to { and } not being escaped
- Fix issue when path was longer than screen size
- Add condition to skip invalid maps
- Fix issue with multi-level anyOf/oneOf declarations in order to generate all possible combinations
- Add key=value pair arguments as alternative to file arguments
- Fix for #92 - NPE when schema was empty
- Add configurable response codes for fuzzers #89