Release Notes:
- Introduce possibility to check boolean expression in verify section using checkBoolean keyword
- Fix issue with SpecialFuzzers not running at all since SpecialFuzzers are not loaded by default anymore
- Add new Fuzzer to send full Examples from the OpenAPI specs
- Add new generators for additional OpenAPI formats. See
- Remove Fuzzer from fuzzer names from console and reports
- Change generators for boundary and extreme numbers to better aligned with the OpenaAPI defined formats
- Change generator for integer left boundary to return Long.MAX and Integer.MAX
- Add log for http method and path when starting fuzzer
- Display output with no format for cats list command
- Avoid double base64 encoding of byte and binary data examples
- Skip boundary fuzzers for numbers when field is ref data
- Improve error messages to be more informative
- Add informative messages if cats detects many io exception or 401/403s
- Don't run Exact fuzzers when field has a format