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This repository is part of the code for the 4th 3DV competition simulation part from SCNU.

Another part of code could be found from my another repository.


The video has been accelerated several times for presentation purposes. The green dot in the GIF above is a problem with video compression. For HD video click here.


The drone takes off from its point of origin. Autonomously navigates to the shelf number to take a picture. Then it goes around between the shelves and avoids the obstacles in the middle of the shelves. Before returning to the end, the drone will rotate around the frank for a fortnight and record video, which will be used for scene reconstruction. Finally return to the starting point.

Run the Demo

The demo program is based on NVIDIA Isaac Sim(2023.1.1) and ROS1 Noetic.

The code and its required environments are deployed via Docker, which makes the demo much easier to deploy. You don't even need to clone the repository to run the demo.


Make sure you have Isaac Sim, Docker and ROS1 installed.

Get docker images

Get the docker images by running the following lines

docker pull endermands/orbbec_competition:latest
docker pull endermands/ego_planner:4th3DV

If you want to make modifications, the image already has zsh and vim installed.

Setup simulation stage

You can either download the full collected USD file directly here or build the stage according to the following guidelines.

Add warehouse to stage

Launch Isaac Sim with ROS1 Bridge Extension enable.

Create a new stage, then open the Isaac Assets tab and search for full_warehouse. Double click on full_warehouse in the search results and it should be loaded under the World. Add PhysicsScene by click Create -> Physics -> Physics Scene.

Download drone USD file

Download from the IsaacAsset folder in the repository. Unzip it to wherever you store your isaac models. This model is a drone model with basic ROS interface.

Import drone

In the Content tab navigate to the place where the drone model was unzipped in step 2. Drag and drop the drone.usd file to the World Xform. Select the drone and set the Z axis Orient to 90. Make sure the drone's camera is facing the shelves.

Add some obstacles (optional)

The drone will fly between two 06 shelves (with a forklift in the middle) and you can add some obstacles to block the drone from flying. Make sure there is enough space between the obstacles for the drone to travel through.

Add franka

Open the Isaac Assets tab and search for franka. Drag and drop it to the World Xform. Set the X translation to 2.0, and the Y and Z translations to 0.


Based on the above steps, your stage should look like this

Running roscore in a ROS sourced terminal.

Click the play button in Isaac Sim and you should see the drone's paddles begin to rotate.

Under the Stage tab expand World -> drone -> z and click on z_joint. Under the Property tab, find Physics -> Drive -> Linear. Set Target Position to 0.5 and you should see the drone take off. Remember to set Target Position back to 0 by clicking on the blue square to the right of the Target Position.

Type rostopic list in another ROS sourced terminal. You should be able to see some topics like camera, odom and joints.

Start simulation Demo

  1. Running roscore in a ROS sourced terminal.

  2. Click the play button in Isaac Sim.

  3. Open two terminals. Start the code for this repository in one of the terminals by running the following line.

docker run -it --rm --net host endermands/orbbec_competition:latest

​ A Volume is provided in this container. The entire ROS workspace including the pictures taken by the program and the recorded videos are in the volume. You can specify the volume path by executing the following command in place of the previous one.

docker run -it --rm --net host -v /host/path:/home/m/code/ros_ws endermands/orbbec_competition:latest
  1. In another terminals, running EGO-Planner.
docker run -it --rm --net host endermands/ego_planner:4th3DV

​ Notice that this docker image may change in the future and no longer work with the current repository code. You can find the current adapted version in another repository's release. Then rebuild the docker image, or compile the code directly.

  1. Let the programme fly for a while. You should see the drone take off and start navigating. You can also visualise paths and obstacles with Rviz. After the drone returns to the starting point you can find some pictures of the shelf number in the docker container volume.


If you want to run the Demo without docker, compile this repository and another repository.


Make sure you have ROS1 and OpenCV installed.


Replace your ROS distro in the following lines.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ros-noetic-tf ros-noetic-tf2 ros-noetic-tf2-ros ros-noetic-cv-bridge libx264-dev

Clone & Build

Navigate to the project directory and then run the following lines.

git clone --depth 1
sudo chmod 777 -R orbbec_competition
cd orbbec_competition
source /opt/ros/noetic/


In a ROS workspace sourced terminal run

roslaunch isaac_tf run.launch