Operator Name | Operator symbol | Signature | Description |
DUP | & |
a -- a a |
Duplicates the value on top of the stack |
OVER | $& |
a b -- a b a |
Duplicates the value over the top of the stack |
DROP | _ |
a -- |
Drops(pops) value on top of the stack |
SWAP | $ |
a b -- b a |
Swaps 2 value on top of the stack |
str1 str2 -- str1+str2 |
Concatinates 2 strings on top of the stack |
PLUS | + |
a b -- a+b |
Sums up 2 numbers on top of the stack |
MINUS | - |
a b -- a-b |
Subtracts value on the top of the stack from value over the top of the stack |
MULT | * |
a b -- a*b |
Multiplies up 2 numbers on top of the stack |
DIV | / |
a b -- a/b |
Divides value on the top of the stack from value over the top of the stack |
DUMP | ! |
a -- |
Prints value on top of the stack and drop it from the stack |
INPUT | @ |
-- userinputstr |
Reads input from the user and puts it on the stack(as str) |
BIND | <- |
name value -- |
Binds value to name |
SAVE | <! |
name value -- |
BIND but updating the binding |
LOAD | ^ |
name -- value |
Loads value of bind with the name name |
TERNARY | .? |
main alt cond -- if cond: main else alt |
Ternary operator |
name -- |
Starts procedure code block |
-- |
Ends procedure code block |
name -- |
Invokes procedure name |
IF | ( |
cond -- |
Starts IF code block if cond is true |
ENDIF | ) |
-- |
Ends IF code block |
EQUAL | = |
a b -- a==b |
Equality comparison |
a b -- a!=b |
Not-quality comparison |
LESS | < |
a b -- a<b |
Less comparison |
a b -- a<=b |
Less-or-equal comparison |
a b -- a>b |
Greater comparison |
a b -- a>=b |
Greater-or-equal comparison |
LOR | || |
a b -- a||b |
Logical OR |
LAND | && |
a b -- a&&b |
Logical AND |
LNOT | !! |
a -- !a |
Logical NOT |
TRUE | true |
1 |
Logical TRUE |
FALSE | false |
0 |
Logical FALSE |
STDLIB_MATH_SQRT | Math(sqrt) |
a -- sqrt(a) |
Square root of number a (NOTE: result is casted to int!) |
STDLIB_MATH_COS | Math(cos) |
a -- cos(a) |
Cosine of number a (NOTE: result is casted to int!) |
STDLIB_MATH_SIN | Math(sin) |
a -- sin(a) |
Sine of number a (NOTE: result is casted to int!) |