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Pump Testing Suite

The files here contain functions that test the operation of the stepper motors, limit switches and the lookup tables I calculated to define the number of steps it takes to infuse a set size BD PlastiPak syringe at a given micro-stepping rate.

NOTE: These functions are written in Python 3.x.x and require the RPi.GPIO library to run.

Tests for Syringe Pump v1


DIR = 20         # sets revolution direction
STEP = 21        # activates the stepper motor
CW = 1           # identifier for clockwise
CCw = 0          # identifier for anticlockwise
MODE = (5,6,13)  # setting micro-step resolution

FRONT_SW = 16    # detect front limit switch is pressed
BACK_SW = 19     # detect back limit switch is pressed

RESOLUTION = {'1':(0,0,0),  # signal map for micro-step resolutions

STEPS = {'1':200,           # steps per revolution for each resolution level

DELAY = {'1':0.003,         # map of delay times for testing purposes

MS = ['1','1/2','1/4','1/8','1/16'] # list of micro-step resolutions


def setup()

Warnings are disabled due to the STEP and DIR pins being reinitialised.

Then we setup our output pins: STEP, DIR and MODE.

Finally we setup our input pins: FRONT_SW and BACK_SW.

def revolution(dir, res)

Given a direction dir={0|1} and a micro-step resolution res={'1'|'1/2'|'1/4'|'1/8'|'1/16'} it will complete a single revolution with the number of steps required by the given resolution string.

def all_microsteps(dir)

For every possible micro-step resolution defined in the list MS perform one revolution of the stepper motor.

def test_1()

Runs 50 revolutions with a micro-step resolution of '1'.

Then runs 30 revolutions with a micro-step resolution of '1/4'.

def set_microstep(ms)

Sets the output pins in MODE to the given resolution ms as a string mapped in the dictionary RESOLUTION.

def set_direction(dir)

Sets the DIR pin to the identifier passed as dir={CW|CCW}.

def withdraw_continuous()

Sets direction to CCW and micro-step resolution to '1' and runs the stepper motor indefinitely.

def infuse_continuous()

Sets direction to CW and micro-step resolution to '1' and runs the stepper motor indefinitely.

Tests for Syringe Pump v2


# micro-step resolution -> step : maps for syringe pump v1

# steps for infusing/withdrawing the entire 20ml syringe
ms_to_steps_20 = {'1':17500, '1/2':35000, '1/4':70000, '1/8':140000, '1/16':280000}

# steps for infusing/withdrawing the entire 60ml syringe
ms_to_steps_60 = {'1':27250, '1/2':54500, '1/4':109000, '1/8':218000, '1/16':436000}

# combine the above dictionaries into one dictionary

ms_size_steps = {20:{'1':17500, '1/2':35000, '1/4':70000, '1/8':140000, '1/16':280000},
                 60:{'1':27250, '1/2':54500, '1/4':109000, '1/8':218000, '1/16':436000}}

# micro-step resolution -> step : maps for syringe pump v2

v2_ms_size_steps = {20:{'1':7000, '1/2':14000, '1/4':28000, '1/8':56000, '1/16':112000},
                    60:{'1':10900, '1/2':21800, '1/4':43600, '1/8':87200, '1/16':174400}}


def calculate_delay(ms, infuse_time, syringe_size)

Using the ms_to_steps_20 and ms_to_steps_60 dictionaries, based on the given syringe_size we get the total number of steps to infuse the syringe at the given ms.

Then we calculate the delay with delay = total_steps/infuse_time and return it.

def pump(dir, ms, infuse_time, syringe_size)

Uses set_microstep(ms) and set_direction(dir) to initialise the outputs.

Then calculated the delay using calculate_delay(ms, infuse_time, syringe_size).

Finally it gets the total number of steps required using syringe_size and runs the pump, delaying each step using the delay value calculated.

def test_2()

Runs the function pump(CW, '1/2', 60, 20)

def infuse_continuous_switch()

Uses set_microstep('1') and set_direction(CW) to initialise the outputs.

Then it starts a loop to operate the pump until a signal is detected on the front limit switch using GPIO.input(FRONT_SW)

def withdraw_continuous_switch()

Uses set_microstep('1') and set_direction(CCW) to initialise the outputs.

Then it starts a loop to operate the pump until a signal is detected on the back limit switch using GPIO.input(BACK_SW).

This switch will be activated by a stopper that sits on one of the rails of the pump.

Initial version of the Pumpy class that encapsulates all the behaviour of the functions written in into a single object that can be easily instantiated and run.

The dictionaries MS_SIZE_STEPS_V1 and MS_SIZE_STEPS_V2 are lookup tables calculated using the formulea described here.

Class Variables

INFUSE = 1                          # CW
WITHDRAW = 0                        # CCW

MS_RESOLUTION = {"1": (0,0,0),      # Micro-stepping resolution mapping
               "1/2": (1,0,0),
               "1/4": (0,1,0),
               "1/8": (1,1,0),
               "1/16": (1,1,1)}

# lookup table for number of steps required to fully infuse one of 2 sizes of syringe
# at a chosen micro-step resolution, with a table for each pump version

MS_SIZE_STEPS_V1 = {20:{"1":17500, "1/2":35000, "1/4":70000, "1/8":140000, "1/16":280000},
                    60:{"1":27250, "1/2":54500, "1/4":109000, "1/8":218000, "1/16":436000}}

MS_SIZE_STEPS_V2 = {20:{'1':7000, '1/2':14000, '1/4':28000, '1/8':56000, '1/16':112000},
                    60:{'1':10900, '1/2':21800, '1/4':43600, '1/8':87200, '1/16':174400}}


self.direction_pin           # output pin for setting direction
self.step_pin                # output pin for moving motor
self.mode = (ms1,ms2,ms3)    # output pin for setting micro-step resolution
self.spr = spr               # default steps per revolution for the motor
self.f_switch = f_switch     # input pin for front limit switch
self.b_switch = b_switch     # input pin for back limit switch

def __init__(self, dir, step, ms1, ms2, ms3, f_switch, b_switch, spr=200)

Constructor for Pumpy class with input and output pin parameters and a default steps per revolution value - the NEMA 17 motor in use has a default steps per revolution of 200.

def setup(self)

Basic GPIO setup functions to disable warnings (direction and step pins get reinitialised on each operation), set the pin description mode to BCM (Broadcom) and setting the pin input and outputs.

def set_microstep(self, ms)

Sets the pins of self.mode to the micro-step resolution given by ms - the key in the dictionary MS_RESOLUTION.

def set_direction(self, dir)

Sets the self.direction_pin output pin to an integer variable, either INFUSE or WITHDRAW. Their values as integers are 1 and 0 respectively.

def continuous(self, dir)

Sets the self.direction_pin output pin to dir, sets the micro-step resolution to '1', sets up which limit switch will be activated using dir and runs the motor until the limit switch input is activated

def stop(self)

Sets the self.step_pin output to GPIO.LOW - it is used to stop any operation of the pump.

def calculate_delay(self, infuse_time, syringe_size, ms)

Based on the given syringe_size and ms it finds the total number of steps required to infuse the syringe as self.MS_SIZE_STEPS_V(1/2)[syringe_size][ms]. This value is divided by infuse_time to give the delay required per step

def pump(self, dir, infuse_time, syringe_size, ms)

Uses set_direction(self, dir) and set_microstep(self, ms) to set the correct outputs and calculates the delay per step using calculate_delay(self, infusion_time, syringe_size, ms).

Finally it gets the total number of steps from self.MS_SIZE_STEPS_V(1/2)[syringe_size][ms] and runs the motor for that many steps, delaying between each pin output call.