Note: Thunderbird Appointment is in a beta state, so be prepared to encounter bugs
Invite others to grab times on your calendar. Choose a date. Make appointments as easy as it gets.
If you'd like to give feedback or need support, please see our Topicbox.
You can either build preconfigured docker containers (database, backend and frontend) or manually set up the application. A more detailed documentation can be found in the docs folder.
This is the recommended and only supported method of developing Thunderbird Appointment.
git clone
cp appointment/backend/.env.example appointment/backend/.env
cp appointment/frontend/.env.example appointment/frontend/.env
cd appointment
docker-compose up -d --build
- Frontend can be accessed via: http://localhost:8080
- Backend can be accessed via: http://localhost:5173
- OpenAPI docs can be accessed via: http://localhost:5173/docs or http://localhost:5173/redoc
A MySQL database will be accessible via localhost:3306
with username and password set to: tba
On first-run the database will initialize, and a first time setup command will be triggered. Going forward database migrations will automatically run on docker-compose up
Contributions are very welcome. Please lint/format code before creating PRs.
Check out the project's respective readmes:
This project uses Fluent for localization. Files are located in their respective l10n/<locale>/*.ftl
When changes are merged to main, a new release is cut, and the changes are deployed to
After you've checked staging and it's ready to push to production, edit the release entry, and press the 'Publish release' button.