Treasure Island" is an engaging text-based adventure game written in Python. This interactive program invites players to navigate through a series of decisions and challenges on their quest to discover hidden treasure. The game begins at a crossroad, where players choose between left and right paths, each leading to different adventures.
Players must decide whether to swim across a lake or wait for a boat, facing unique consequences for each choice. The narrative unfolds further as players encounter a mysterious house with three colored doors—red, yellow, and blue. The outcomes of these choices determine whether the player wins the game or faces a perilous end.
The program is designed to be user-friendly, offering an entertaining and immersive experience for those seeking a quick and enjoyable Python project. Feel free to explore the code, contribute enhancements, or share your unique outcomes with the community!
The code :
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''' ) print("Welcome To Treasure Island.") print("Your mission is to find the treasure.")
left_or_right = input( "You'r at the cross road. Where do you want to go? Type" + ' "left"' + " or" + ' "right"\n' )
if left_or_right.lower() == "left": swim_or_wait = input( "You come to a lake. There is an island in the middle of the lake. Type" + ' "wait"' + " to wait for a boat. Type" + ' "swim"' + " to swim across.\n" ) if swim_or_wait.lower() == "wait": door = input( "You arrive at the island unharmed. There is a house with 3 doors. One red, one yellow and one blue. Which colour do you choose?\n" ) if door.lower() == "yellow": print("You Win!") elif door.lower() == "red": print("Burned by fire. Game Over.") elif door.lower() == "blue": print("Eaten by beasts. Game Over.") else: print("Attacked by trout. Game Over.") else: print("Fall into a hole. Game Over.")
print("Thank you for playing.")