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Higher Lower Game 📊🎮

A console-based Higher Lower Game implemented in Python. Compare the number of followers of two randomly chosen Instagram accounts and guess which one has more followers.


  • 🔄 Randomly selects two Instagram accounts from a provided dataset.
  • 📊 Compares the number of followers between the two accounts.
  • 🎯 Keeps track of the user's score.
  • 🎨 Clear interface with game logo and VS symbol.

How to Play

  1. Run the Python script in a console or terminal.
  2. 🔄 Compare the number of followers between two randomly chosen Instagram accounts.
  3. 💡 Guess which account has more followers by typing 'A' or 'B'.
  4. 📈 Receive feedback on whether the guess is correct and the current score.
  5. The game continues until an incorrect guess is made.

Code Structure

  • get_random_account(): Function to get data from a random Instagram account.
  • format_data(account): Function to format account data into a printable format.
  • check_answer(guess, a_followers, b_followers): Function to check if the user's guess is correct.
  • game(): Main function to initiate and control the game.


  1. Run the Python script.
  2. Follow the prompts to make guesses.
  3. Try to guess which Instagram account has more followers.
  4. Enjoy the Higher Lower Game! 🚀


from game_data import data
import random
from art import logo, vs
from replit import clear

# from game_data import data
import random
from art import logo, vs
from replit import clear

def get_random_account():
  """Get data from random account"""
  return random.choice(data)

def format_data(account):
  """Format account into printable format: name, description and country"""
  name = account["name"]
  description = account["description"]
  country = account["country"]
  # print(f'{name}: {account["follower_count"]}')
  return f"{name}, a {description}, from {country}"

def check_answer(guess, a_followers, b_followers):
  """Checks followers against user's guess 
  and returns True if they got it right.
  Or False if they got it wrong.""" 
  if a_followers > b_followers:
    return guess == "a"
    return guess == "b"

def game():
  score = 0
  game_should_continue = True
  account_a = get_random_account()
  account_b = get_random_account()

  while game_should_continue:
    account_a = account_b
    account_b = get_random_account()

    while account_a == account_b:
      account_b = get_random_account()

    print(f"Compare A: {format_data(account_a)}.")
    print(f"Against B: {format_data(account_b)}.")
    guess = input("Who has more followers? Type 'A' or 'B': ").lower()
    a_follower_count = account_a["follower_count"]
    b_follower_count = account_b["follower_count"]
    is_correct = check_answer(guess, a_follower_count, b_follower_count)

    if is_correct:
      score += 1
      print(f"You're right! Current score: {score}.")
      game_should_continue = False
      print(f"Sorry, that's wrong. Final score: {score}")
