This is a difficult challenge. 💪
You are going to write a program that will mark a spot on a map with an X.
In the starting code, you will find a variable called map.
This map contains a nested list. When the map is printed, this is what it looks like; notice the nesting:
[['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️'],['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️'],['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️']]
This is a bit hard to work with. So on lines 6 and 23, we've used this line of code print(f"{row1}\n{row2}\n{row3}") to format the 3 lists to be printed as a 3 by 3 grid, each on a new line.
['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️']
['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️']
['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️'] Now it looks a bit more like the coordinates of a real map:
Map Coordinates Example
Your job is to write a program that allows you to mark a square on the map using a letter-number system.
List coordinates
So an input of A3 should place an X at the position shown below:
Exmaple location
First, your program must take the user input and convert it to a usable format.
Next, you need to use that input to update your nested list with an "X.". Remember that your nested list map actually looks like this:
[['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️'],['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️'],['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️']] Example Input 1 B3 Example Output 1 Hide your treasure! X marks the spot. ['⬜️', '️⬜️', '️⬜️'] ['⬜️', '⬜️', '️⬜️'] ['⬜️️', 'X', '⬜️️'] Example Input 2 B1 Example Output 2 Hide your treasure! X marks the spot. ['⬜️', 'X', '️⬜️'] ['⬜️', '⬜️', '️⬜️'] ['⬜️️', '⬜️️', '⬜️️'] Hints See if this list method helps you: https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_list_index.asp
Remember that nested Lists in Python are accessed from outside to inside. e.g. In the List below:
list = [['A', 'B, 'C'], 'E', 'F', 'G'] E is list[1] C is list[0][2]
Check your formatting. This is correctly formatted: ['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️'] ['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️'] ['⬜️', 'X', '⬜️'] vs.
Incorrectly formatted (missing a space before 'X and extra space after the X and extra space before the comma):
['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️'] ['⬜️', '⬜️', '⬜️'] ['⬜️','X ' , '⬜️']