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GALACTIC V (provisional)

Marc Ferrer Margarit edited this page Sep 25, 2017 · 29 revisions


Galactic V is a turn based local multiplayer game. Each team starts with 5 units and the goal is to destroy all the enemy units. The theme of the game, is a military future with weapons, lasers...


Each turn, the player has a set amount of energy that grows as the turns go on, and that are used when moving a character or attacking/using an ability. Each unit has different costs for each action. The turn ends when you either run out of time or energy. A player can also decide to surrender the game early. At the start each player has to set a minimum number of units on the map which can be only spawn in a certain area on the map and starts with 1 energy that will be growing the next turn until reach 10. The player can collect some power-ups to improve their units or this power-ups may have the effect to harming the enemy. Also they have the power, some units, to spawn some walls to protect them. This walls can be destroyed by some units. Every unit has some life, each life is different depending of the unit.


The game occurs on a randomly decided map from a map pool. Each map is formed by a grid with cells where a unit can be moved or where's a object, wall or a map obstacle. The map has one initial zone to spawn the inital units at the start of the game. Each map tries to represent a scenario of the future.


There are 4 types of unit (for now).

  • Defender: High health, low movement, low attack unit. It's special ability is to deploy barriers that will protect its teammates.
  • Healer: Low health, medium momevent, low attack unit. It's special ability is to heal its teammates.
  • Melee attacker: Medium health, high movement, hight attack unit. It's special ability is not yet defined.
  • Ranged attacker: Low-medium health, medium movement, medium attack unit. It's special ability is not yet defined.


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