🎉 BetterAmongUs v1.1.5 🎉
We are thrilled to announce this release of BetterAmongUs, a mod designed to enhance your Among Us experience!
Main Change Log
!Changed: The code space has been completely overhauled
### so it will be easier to add new stuff in the future
# Client
!Fixed: FPS drops on Fungle and Airship and in general
!Fixed: Unity logs getting logged in BAU console
!Fixed: Shapeshifter name not changing
!Fixed: Wrong color on color blind text
# Anti-Cheat
!Changed: Complete cleanup and overhaul on the Anti-Cheat.
+Added: More detections and validation checks for sabotages as host
+Added: Added prevention from Lobby crashing on start as host
+Added: More detections for invalid RPCs
+Added: More information in logs when flagged
!Fixed: lots of false positives
!Fixed: Issues with chat messages not going through
!Fixed: Players getting flagged when reporting dead bodies
!Fixed: Players getting flagged on 0 kill cooldown lobbies
# Command
!Changed: Complete overhaul on commands and arguments.
+Added: Suggestions for arguments in commands
-Removed: Host request
-Removed: Whisper command
-Removed: Name command
Change Log From Betas
# Mod
+ Added: Support to Among Us v2024.10.29 + 2024.11.26
# Client
+ Change: Optimized a lot of code
! Fixed: Console not being removed when switching to vanilla
! Fixed: Player lobby and ingame information not getting updated sometimes!
### This has been an ongoing bug ever since release
! Fixed: Chat dark theme
! Fixed: Chat null errors
! Fixed: Possibly fixed chat messages getting mixed between players
! Fixed: Comments in text files not being ignored
! Fixed: Some translation Mix-Ups
! Fixed: Dead players chat messages being logged when alive
! Fixed: Better host logs giving out role information
! Fixed: Kick message not showing up when a player is kicked through commands
! Fixed: Possibly fixed shapeshifter name issue
! Fixed: Guardian Angel unfair advantage, being able to zoom out and see other players roles
! Fixed: Issues with whisper command.
! Fixed: Specific cheat information not being added to data.
! Fixed: Specific cheat information not being cleared in data.
# Anti-Cheat
+ Added: New detections for cheat clients
+ Added: Attempt game crash detections
! Fixed: Null errors with chatnote detection
! Fixed: Meeting start and body report to false flags
Known Issues
# Chat
- Chat notifications being bugged out once in awhile
- If you encounter any issues or have feedback, please report them on our Issues Page or Bug Reports channel in the TEN Discord Server.
Thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy the new features of BetterAmongUs! 🚀
Happy gaming!