This is based on the work by in building MySQL 4 deployments. This code has been modified to include additional tooling to make it easier to load and query Ensembl databases within a running instance.
environment variable and a volume for the datafiles when launching a new container:
export LOCAL_DB_DIR=/volume1/docker/mysql
export LOCAL_FLATFILES_DIR=/volume1/docker/flatfiles
export CONTAINER_NAME=mysql4mirror
export MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysql4mirror
export TAG=latest
docker run --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} \
--add-host="mysql4mirror:" \
-v ${LOCAL_DB_DIR}:/db \
-v ${LOCAL_FLATFILES_DIR}:/flatfiles \
-p 33306:3306 \
--detach \
This will run the container as a detached process, expose the MySQL on your local machine on port 33306
(within the container this will be remain 3306
), mount /db
on the container to /volume1/docker/mysql
locally and mount /flatfiles
to /volume1/docker/flatfiles
locally. You can confirm the image has started by running docker ps
. Only one MySQL user exists on the server root
and is set to the password you gave the container during startup.
docker exec -it $CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash
Once in the container you will have access to the
commands and is the recommended way to use the
command as working with MySQL 4 databases can be problematic if you lack the compatible binaries/libraries.
docker stop $CONTAINER_NAME
docker restart $CONTAINER_NAME
The following comand will start up a MySQL server on your local machine and expose a port on 3306.
export LOCAL_DB_DIR=/volume1/docker/mysql
export LOCAL_FLATFILES_DIR=/volume1/docker/flatfiles
export MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysql4mirror
export TAG=latest
singularity exec --bind $LOCAL_DB_DIR:/db --bind $LOCAL_FLATFILES_DIR:/flatfiles docker://ensemblorg/mysql4mirror:${TAG} /additional/ mysqld_safe
The first time you run /additional/
will setup the correct user permissions and will then initate mysqld_safe
. This will start the MySQL server. Subsequent runs will test /db
for pre-existing files, which if found means setup will be skipped and only mysqld_safe
will be run.
singularity shell --bind $LOCAL_DB_DIR:/db --bind $LOCAL_FLATFILES_DIR:/flatfiles docker://ensemblorg/mysql4mirror:${TAG}
This will start a new container with access to the MySQL data directory and flatfiles directory under /db
and /flatfiles
This container ships with a Python binary which can list, download and verify databases from releases 23 to 47 (those which should be hosted in a MySQL v4 instance). The library only uses core modules and is compatible with Python v3.2+. You can run it from within the container or from this repository. The binary can
- List the available databases
- Display information about the database
- Download the flat files
- Verify they are good
$ ./ --list '*help*28*'
$ ./ --download ensembl_help_28_1
Logging into
Listing database files for ensembl_help_28_1
Downloading ./ensembl_help_28_1/CHECKSUMS.gz
Downloading ./ensembl_help_28_1/article.txt.table.gz
Downloading ./ensembl_help_28_1/category.txt.table.gz
Downloading ./ensembl_help_28_1/ensembl_help_28.sql.gz
$ ./ --validate ensembl_help_28_1
All files are correct
The above command downloads the ensembl_help_28_1
database to the local directory. You can use the --basedir
flag to use a different location e.g. /flatfiles
on the Docker container.
The binary takes as its final an unbounded list of database names or UNIX style glob strings (using *
and ?
as wildcard characters). The following finds all compara and help databases available for release 28.
Be sure to quote your wildcard strings as command line shells will interpret this before
$ ./ --list '*compara*28*' '*help*28*'
If you want to manually download the database dumps, then you can use our FTP site using FTP or HTTP, rsync or even Globus through the “Shared EMBL-EBI public endpoint”.
The following commands assume you will be loading the ensembl_help_28_1
database from flatfile dumps into a database.
This container and repo ship with a bash script called
. The script must be executed from within a working directory containing a database dump. The command will change its commands based on if it finds the ENSEMBL_CONTAINER
environment variable. You can change the port used too by supplying a MYSQL_PORT
environment variable.
executes all commands in MySQL as the root user. The script repsonds to the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
variable and will use this if ever defined.
We recommend running
from within a container (see instructions above about how to get a shell session into the executing container or a new container).
$ cd ensembl_help_28_1
!!!!!! Working with database ensembl_help_28
Working with table article
Gunzipping article data from file article.txt.table.gz into article.txt ... Done
ensembl_help_28.article: Records: 66 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0
Finished and removed temporary file article.txt
Working with table category
Gunzipping category data from file category.txt.table.gz into category.txt ... Done
ensembl_help_28.category: Records: 1 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0
Finished and removed temporary file category.txt
!!!!!! Database has been loaded
To manually load a database you must
- Create the database (N.B. the directory name does not always match the intended database name but the SQL file will)
- Load the Gzipped SQL file (N.B. a
version is sometimes made available but not necessary to use) - Load each table of data from the gzip'd flat files
The following shows the same procedure as used by the
script for ensembl_help_28
$ cd ensembl_help_28_1
$ dbname=ensembl_help_28
$ mysql -e "create database ${dbname}"
$ gzip -dc ensembl_help_28.sql.gz | mysql $dbname
$ gzip -dc article.txt.table.gz > article.txt
$ mysqlimport $dbname article.txt
$ rm article.txt
$ gzip -dc category.txt.table.gz > category.txt
$ mysqlimport $dbname category.txt
$ rm category.txt
The above commands can be also used from your local machine if you have access to the above binaries (gzip
and mysqlimport
) but the mysqlimport
command needs the addition of --local
to force it to copy said file to the database container automatically. You are also free to customise/use any user you use with sufficient database privilages.
docker build -t ensemblorg/mysql4mirror .
# mysql
VOLUME /db # mysql datadir
VOLUME /flatfiles # Location of Ensembl flat file database dumps
TZ Europe/London
ENSEMBL_DBLOOKUP /etc/dblookup.json
Root password will be bound to the wildcard % host to allow login from any network host.
These scripts have been tested with ensembl_help_28
and homo_sapiens_core_40_36b
. Should you encounter a problem with running these scripts then contact Ensembl helpdesk or our developers mailing list.