Repository for Documents and code pertaining to the Bee Environmental Project.
The goal of the Gov/REN team is to coordinate engagement with the Federal Government and Educational Institutions.
Dennis O'Connel - APIary co-lead - Yahoo! - Erik Erlandson - APIary co-lead - Red Hat - Ryan Coffee - Stanford/SLAC Leo Hoarty - Sweet Vinyl Bill Wright - Red Hat
For questions, or to be added (or removed) from the team, please contact either Dennis or Erik.
Meetings are bi-weekly on Thursdays at noon.
Quick spectrogram from Ryan Hive 2, Leo prototype microphone-0. Seems the information dies out in the vicinity of 10 kHz. Our ultrasonic hypothesis is very likely overkill.
Connect with Don DuRouseau ( regarding inducing a calm state in bees using the piezos as speakers in the hive. Don was at GPN22 talking to me about brain waves and phase coherences. Connect "the Dons"--DuRouseau and ALvarez--on the hive control.
doi: 10.1126/science.abj8369