This document talks about functionality of DataDog executable file. Aim of an executable file is to able authenticate a user and fetch secrets from secrets vault and return the output in a particular format to populate enviorment variable of DataDog(credentials in DataDog)
step 1: Download/paste datadog executable, datadog-secret-backend yaml file and ca certificate in same machine where datadog is present
step 2: Update the executable to have the required permissions. Datadog agent expects the executable to only be used by the ddagentuser for Windows
1) Right click on the "datadog-secret-backend.exe" and select "Properties".
2) Click on the Security tab.
3) Edit the permissions, disable permission inheritance, and then remove all existing permissions.
4) Add read and execute to the "ddagentuser" and save your permissions.
step 1: open datadog.yaml file and look for variable and give path for executable file(datadog_go.exe)
secret_backend_command: <EXECUTABLE_PATH>
secret_backend_command: C:\Users\kalera\datadog_go\datadog_go.exe
Step 2: Edit username and password that you want to fetch from keycontrol vault
user: "ENC[<secret-name-same-as-of-keyctrol-vault>]"
password: "ENC[<secret-name-same-as-of-keyctrol-vault>]"
user: "ENC[dbuser]"
password: "ENC[dbpassword]"
step 1: Go to folder where executable is present and click on datadog-secret-backend.yaml
step 2: change the value variable according to vault and save it (warnings: do not change spaces and variable name only change value in between this ' ' only)
1) vault_url:- full vault api url
2) ca_cert:- ca certificate name of vault that should be placed by user in same folder
3) boxName:- boxname in vault in which secrets are stored
4) vault_username :- username of vault user, who have privilege to checkout secrets
5) vault_password :- password of same vault user, who have privilege to checkout secrets
datadog-keycontrol executable
ca cert of vault
datadog-secret-backend yaml file for configuration