Generates profile reports from a pandas DataFrame
. The pandas df.describe()
function is great but a little basic for serious exploratory data analysis.
For each column the following statistics - if relevant for the column type - are presented in an interactive HTML report:
- Essentials: type, unique values, missing values
- Quantile statistics like minimum value, Q1, median, Q3, maximum, range, interquartile range
- Descriptive statistics like mean, mode, standard deviation, sum, median absolute deviation, coefficient of variation, kurtosis, skewness
- Most frequent values
- Histogram
- Correlations highlighting of highly correlated variables, Spearman and Pearson matrixes
Click here to see a live demo.
You can install using the pip package manager by running
pip install pandas-profiling
You can install using the conda package manager by running
conda install -c jos_pol pandas-profiling
I haven't found yet if it is possible to upload it to the main repo (to just be able to type 'conda install pandas-profiling'). Please give me a ping if you have done this.
Download the source code by cloning the repo or by pressing 'Download ZIP' on this page. Install by navigating to the proper directory and running
python install
The profile report is written in HTML5 and CSS3, which means pandas-profiling requires a modern browser.
We recommend generating reports interactively by using the Jupyter notebook.
Start by loading in your pandas DataFrame, e.g. by using
import pandas as pd
import pandas_profiling
df=pd.read_csv("/myfilepath/myfile.csv", parse_dates=True, encoding='UTF-8')
To display the report in a Jupyter notebook, run:
To retrieve the list of variables which are rejected due to high correlation:
profile = pandas_profiling.ProfileReport(df)
rejected_variables = profile.get_rejected_variables(threshold=0.9)
If you want to generate a HTML report file, save the ProfileReport
to an object and use the to_file()
profile = pandas_profiling.ProfileReport(df)
For standard formatted CSV files that can be read immediately by pandas, you can use the
script. Run
python -h
for information about options and arguments.
A set of options are available in order to adapt the report generated.
): Number of bins in histogram (10 by default).- Correlation settings:
): Whether or not to check correlation (True
by default)correlation_threshold
): Threshold to determine if the variable pair is correlated (0.9 by default).correlation_overrides
): Variable names not to be rejected because they are correlated (None
by default).check_recoded
): Whether or not to check recoded correlation (False
by default). Since it's an expensive computation it can be activated for small datasets.
): Number of workers in thread pool. The default is equal to the number of CPU.
- An internet connection. Pandas-profiling requires an internet connection to download the Bootstrap and JQuery libraries. I might change this in the future, let me know if you want that sooner than later.
- python (>= 2.7)
- pandas (>=0.19)
- matplotlib (>=1.4)
- six (>=1.9)