HTML-AU is inspired by HTMX. Instead of rendering HTML on the server like HTMX, HTML-AU uses client side JavaScript native customElements to generate html.
Uses the fundamentals of get and post to pass data between attributes and components or attributes and the server.
<button au-trigger='click' au-ced='post hello-msg' au-target="main" au-swap='innerHTML' name='msg' value='Hello World'>Show Message</button>
// before click
// after click
<main><hello-msg>Hello World</hello-msg></main>
Post to the SERVER first, to translate the message, then post to the component to render on the page
<button au-trigger='click' au-server='post ./api/translate/german' au-ced='post hello-msg' au-target="main" au-swap='innerHTML' name='msg' value='Hello World'>Show Message</button>
// before click
// after click
<main><hello-msg>Hallo Welt</hello-msg></main>
Unlike HTMX, HTML-AU does not try to conform to HATEOAS
npm i html-au
HTML-AU is an attribute based 'reactive' (really re-rendering) framework for web components. Inspired by HTMX. HTML-AU renders html on the client using the ES6 customElement specification. HTMX renders html on the server.
CED Component Element Description
CED explained MDN CreateElement for web components
<div au-ced='div?is=hello-world&msg=nice to meet you'>click</div>
Translates to
const helloWorldCED = {
msg:'nice to meet you'
Which is equivalent to
const ele = document.createElement('div', {is: 'hello-world'} )
ele.setAttribute('msg','nice to meet you')
// pre connectedCallback <div is="hello-world" msg="nice to meet you"></div>
// post connectedCallback <div is="hello-world" msg="nice to meet you">nice to meet you<div>
export class HelloWorld extends HTMLElement{
this.textContent = this.getAttribute('msg')
// simple input and button. Clicking the button updates the input value.
// the rendered live html
<input name="counter" value="54">
au-include="closest click-counter"
// au-server="post ./api/click" // to post the data to a server, then send the results to the component
au-target="post closest click-counter">add one</button>
Click counter custom element
is our template literal sanitization library that returns a document fragment
import { html } from '../../src/utils/index.js'
export const CLICK_COUNTER = 'click-counter'
export class ClickCounter extends HTMLElement {
body: FormData;
connectedCallback() {
const previousCount = Number(this?.body?.get('counter') ?? 0)
const frag = html`
<input name='counter' value='${(previousCount + 1).toString()}' />
au-include='closest ${CLICK_COUNTER}'
au-target='post closest ${CLICK_COUNTER}'>click me</button>