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File metadata and controls

52 lines (45 loc) · 2.41 KB

some notes re the DBNL TEI XML

example 1: _gid001186201_01.xml

  • this is from de Gids, a literary journal
  • each article sits in a <div type="chapter">
  • but the only numbered elements are
  • I don't understand the meaning of <interpGrp> (but I hope it somehow leads us to article level metadata)
  • To only thing we can refer to is the page. This requires knowledge of the issue, which will need to come from the metadata in the teiHeader
  • there is this in the CSV, but it's on title level, not on article level: _gid001186201|"De Gids. Jaargang 26"||"1862"|"1ste druk"||"leide001dbnl01"|"1"|"1862"|"_gid001"|||"[tijdschrift] Gids
  • a CTS URN of the article would look like ????
  • a CTS URN of the page would look like ???? urn:cts:dutchLit:gid001186201.gid001gids01:1 which I think only identifies volume and page
  • cf. the DBNL URL which seems to also identify the article ("entry")

J. Margadant, "Een Teeken des tijds", De Gids 26.1 (1862), pp. 1-26

        <interp type="primair" value="_gid001186201"/> 
        <interp type="primair" value="_gid001gids01"/> 
     <div type="chapter">
             <interp type="primair" value="marg004"/>
             <interp type="secundair" value="frank01"/>
     <pb n="1"/>
     <head rend="h3">Een teeken des tijds.</head>
     <p>Reeds zijn er tien jaren verloopen

example 2: razo001laat01_01.xml

  • structure seems similar to the example above: only the pages (or rather, page beginnings) are numbered. All other information is in the metada, but some of it is machine-readable, as in <interp>
  • for <interp> see
  • razo001laat01 reveals this in the CSV: razo001laat01|"Het laatste aardige prentenboek"||"1863"|"1ste druk"|"393214540"|"denha004koni01"|"1"|"1863"|"razo001"|"W.P."||"Razoux"|"1818"|"1871"|"6 augustus"|"4 december"|"Zwolle"|"Boston
        <interp type="primair" value="razo001laat01"/>
        <div type="chapter">
            <pb n="3"/>
            <head rend="h3">Hannes Haas.</head>
            <p><figure><p><xptr to="razo001laat01ill01.gif"/></p></figure></p>
            <lg type="poem">
                <l>Hannes, met zijn tasch belaân,</l>