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CalebRas committed Oct 19, 2024
1 parent d6d94e7 commit 6770316
Showing 1 changed file with 237 additions and 4 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -16,13 +16,246 @@ import ArcGIS
import SwiftUI

struct ListContentsOfKMLFileView: View {
@State private var map = Map(basemapStyle: .arcGISTopographic)
/// The view model for the sample.
@StateObject private var model = Model()

var body: some View {
MapView(map: map)
VStack(spacing: 0) {
Text("Tap on a disclosure to reveal a node's children. Tap on a node to open it in a scene.")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .center)

// Recursively displays the dataset's nodes in a list.
List(model.kmlDataset?.rootNodes ?? [], id: \.name, children: \.children) { node in
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
NavigationLink {
if let viewpoint = model.nodeViewpoints[] {
SceneView(scene: model.scene, viewpoint: viewpoint)
} else {
Text("This node has no extent to view.")
} label: {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
if ! {
#if targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
.errorAlert(presentingError: $model.error)

#Preview {
// MARK: Model

extension ListContentsOfKMLFileView {
/// The view model for the sample.
fileprivate final class Model: ObservableObject {
/// A dataset containing the KML data from a local file.
@Published private(set) var kmlDataset: KMLDataset?

/// The viewpoints for the nodes in the dataset.
@Published private(set) var nodeViewpoints: [String: Viewpoint] = [:]

/// The error shown in the error alert.
@Published var error: Error?

/// A scene for displaying the KML data.
let scene: ArcGIS.Scene = {
let scene = Scene(basemapStyle: .arcGISImagery)
let elevationSource = ArcGISTiledElevationSource(url: .worldElevationService)
return scene

/// The task used for the asynchronous setup operations.
private var setupTask: Task<Void, Error>?

init() {
setupTask = Task { [weak self] in
guard let self else { return }

do {
try await setUpKMLDataset()
} catch {
self.error = error

deinit {

/// Sets up the KML dataset and adds it to the scene as layer.
private func setUpKMLDataset() async throws {
// Creates the dataset using a local ".kml" file in the bundle.
let kmlDataset = KMLDataset(name: "esri_test_data", bundle: .main)!
try await kmlDataset.load()
self.kmlDataset = kmlDataset

// Adds the dataset to the scene as a KML layer.
let kmlLayer = KMLLayer(dataset: kmlDataset)
try await scene.load()

try await setUpKMLNodes(kmlDataset.rootNodes)

/// Recursively creates viewpoints for KML nodes in a given list.
/// - Parameter kmlNodes: The list of KML nodes to set up.
private func setUpKMLNodes(_ kmlNodes: [KMLNode]) async throws {
// Loads the surface so that the elevation can be queried when the viewpoint is made.
try await scene.baseSurface.load()

for node in kmlNodes {
let viewpoint = try await Viewpoint(kmlNode: node, surface: scene.baseSurface)
nodeViewpoints[] = viewpoint

// Ensures the node is visible since some are hidden by default.
node.isVisible = true

if let childNodes = node.children {
try await setUpKMLNodes(childNodes)

// MARK: Helper Extensions

extension KMLNode {
/// The child nodes of the node, if any.
fileprivate var children: [KMLNode]? {
switch self {
case let container as KMLContainer:
case let networkLink as KMLNetworkLink:

/// A human-readable label of the type of the node.
fileprivate var typeLabel: String {
switch self {
case is KMLDocument: "Document"
case is KMLFolder: "Folder"
case is KMLContainer: "Container"
case is KMLGroundOverlay: "Ground Overlay"
case is KMLNetworkLink: "Network Link"
case is KMLPhotoOverlay: "Photo Overlay"
case is KMLPlacemark: "Placemark"
case is KMLScreenOverlay: "Screen Overlay"
case is KMLTour: "Tour"
default: "Unknown"

extension Viewpoint {
/// Creates a viewpoint from a KML node.
/// - Parameters:
/// - kmlNode: The KML node.
/// - surface: A surface for determining the elevation needed to offset the viewpoint.
fileprivate init?(kmlNode: KMLNode, surface: Surface) async throws {
if let kmlViewpoint = kmlNode.viewpoint {
try await self.init(kmlViewpoint: kmlViewpoint, surface: surface)
} else if let extent = kmlNode.extent {
// the node does not have a predefined viewpoint, so create a viewpoint based on its extent
try await self.init(kmlNodeExtent: extent, surface: surface)
} else {
return nil

/// Creates a viewpoint from a KML viewpoint.
/// - Parameters:
/// - kmlViewpoint: The KML viewpoint.
/// - surface: A surface for determining the elevation needed to offset the viewpoint.
private init(kmlViewpoint: KMLViewpoint, surface: Surface) async throws {
switch kmlViewpoint.kind {
case .lookAt:
var lookAtPoint = kmlViewpoint.location
if kmlViewpoint.altitudeMode != .absolute {
// If the elevation is relative, account for the surface's elevation.
let elevation = try await surface.elevation(at: kmlViewpoint.location)
lookAtPoint = kmlViewpoint.location.withBuilder { $0.z += elevation }

let camera = Camera(
lookingAt: lookAtPoint,
distance: kmlViewpoint.range,
heading: kmlViewpoint.heading,
pitch: kmlViewpoint.pitch,
roll: kmlViewpoint.roll
self.init(latitude: .nan, longitude: .nan, scale: .nan, camera: camera)
case .camera:
let camera = Camera(
location: kmlViewpoint.location,
heading: kmlViewpoint.heading,
pitch: kmlViewpoint.pitch,
roll: kmlViewpoint.roll
self.init(latitude: .nan, longitude: .nan, scale: .nan, camera: camera)
@unknown default:
fatalError("Unexpected KMLViewpoint.Kind: \(kmlViewpoint.kind)")

/// Creates a viewpoint from the extent of a KML node.
/// - Parameters:
/// - extent: The extent of a KML node.
/// - surface: A surface for determining the elevation needed to offset the viewpoint.
private init?(kmlNodeExtent extent: Envelope, surface: Surface) async throws {
// Ensures the extent isn't empty since some nodes don't include a geometry.
guard !extent.isEmpty else { return nil }

let extentCenter =
let elevation = try await surface.elevation(at: extentCenter)

if extent.extent.width == 0, extent.height == 0 {
// If the extent is not empty, but the width and height are still zero,
// default values (based on Google Earth) are used to create a camera.
let elevatedCenter = extentCenter.withBuilder { $0.z += elevation }
let camera = Camera(
lookingAt: elevatedCenter,
distance: 1000,
heading: 0,
pitch: 45,
roll: 0
self.init(latitude: .nan, longitude: .nan, scale: .nan, camera: camera)
} else {
// Adds the elevation and a buffer to the extent.
let bufferedExtent = extent.withBuilder { builder in
builder.zMin += elevation
builder.zMax += elevation
builder.expand(by: 1.1)
self.init(boundingGeometry: bufferedExtent)

extension URL {
/// A web URL to the Terrain3D image server on ArcGIS REST.
fileprivate static var worldElevationService: URL {
URL(string: "")!

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