Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton created by John Horton Conway in 1970. It is a simulation of life and death of cells on a two-dimensional grid. This program is a Windows C# application that renders Conway's Game of Life with additional features listed below.
- Render Conway's Game of Life in a .NET application.
- Cells can be turned on and off by clicking on them with the mouse.
- Living cells with less than 2 living neighbors die in the next generation.
- Living cells with more than 3 living neighbors die in the next generation.
- Living cells with 2 or 3 living neighbors live in the next generation.
- Dead cells with exactly 3 living neighbors live in the next generation.
- Start, Pause and Next menu items and tool strip buttons.
- Randomizing the universe.
- Emptying the universe.
- Saving the current universe to a text file.
- Opening a previously saved universe.
- Show the current generation.
- Show the current number of living cells.
- Controlling how many milliseconds between new generations.
- Controlling the current size of the universe.
- Displaying the neighbor count in each cell.
- Implement a View Menu that toggles the grid on and off, toggles the neighbor count display.
- Game Colors.
- Universe boundary behavior.
- Context sensitive menu.
- Heads up display.
- Settings.
- Clone or download the project from the repository.
- pen the project in Visual Studio.
- Build and run the project.
- Click on the cells in the grid to turn them on or off.
- Click on the Start button to begin the simulation.
- Click on the Pause button to pause the simulation.
- Click on the Next button to advance the simulation by one generation.
- Click on the Randomize button to randomly populate the grid.
- Click on the Clear button to empty the grid.
- Click on the Save button to save the current grid to a text file.
- Click on the Open button to load a previously saved grid from a text file.
- Use the Size button to adjust the size of the grid.
- Use the Speed button to adjust the speed of the simulation.
- Use the View menu to toggle the grid, neighbor count display and heads up display.