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scottcate edited this page Nov 21, 2012 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the wiki!

Magnum Opus

We have done quite a bit of work for the integration to Infusionsoft, and we are happy to announce the open source availability of this project.

Specialibus generalia quaerimus

We have built this project with future changes to the Infusionsoft API in mind. Here is the project overview. First, we scrape the Infusionsoft Help files (also on github, included here as a sub module) and from this, we generate a contract interface. Second, we use the CodeDom of .NET, to fully generate the C# SDK, based on rules from the interface contracts. This process means that in the future, when the Infusionsoft API changes or matures, theoretically, we'll only have to re-run the generator, which will bring the .NET SDK up to speed. This gives us full coverage of the SDK to work from a nice strongly typed .NET environment.

Caveat emptor

As this is code generated, we have not tested every bit, of every call, in every direction, for every scenario. There are bound to be issues that you can help us with. If you find something, fix it, and let us know about it by sending us a pull request.

Also (as described above), you should fully understand that we have taken a dependency on the Infusionsoft Documentation. Problems there, will become problems here. Typos, field names, changes, new API's, API changes, will all have ripple effects on this project.

Carpe diem

Best of luck to you, and we hope you enjoy the project.
