This project was designed as educational expiriment. It uses C++ language, OpenGL for rendering. The program is simple tweakable environment, where you could play with different types of light, importing model, and expirimenting with different values, such as "What would be, if ligth spreads negative?"
Actually you could build the project, but it just has no sense, cause there is not to much something special about. So, to build the project, you need to link libraries, and tweak some values for your platform.
- Use WASD to move camera in the world
- Use Space/Shift to move up/down
- Use mouse to rotate the camera
- Use C/V to enable/disable mouse pointer
- Use mousewheel to increase/reduce FOV
- Use mouse to navigate menus and select options.
- To select an option or confirm an action, use the left mouse button.
- Use Enter if you are editing textbox in menu, to confirm action
The Game Engine project depends on the following libraries:
- OpenGL (3.3 core) [Rendering library]
- GLM [GLSL math library]
- IMGUI [UI library]
- ASSIMP [Models improting & manipulating library]
- STB_Image [Image importing library]
- GLAD [Used for OpenGL initialization]