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Working with the results in PHP

samedney edited this page Nov 26, 2010 · 11 revisions

Here is a very simple foreach loop that pulls the results as an array, and loops through the items, displaying the title.

Generate List of Titles

define('AWS_API_SECRET_KEY', 'F40UFE2cvsYRUD/wIsWZJ8TciBYgDlfEpJ82voSV');

require 'lib/AmazonECS.class.php';

$amazonEcs = new AmazonECS(AWS_API_KEY, AWS_API_SECRET_KEY, 'UK');


$response  = $amazonEcs->category('All')->search('Xbox');

if (isset($response['Items']['Item']) ) {

    foreach ($response['Items']['Item'] as $result) {
        echo "<p style='min-height: 60px;'>";
        echo "<a target='isitAmazonWindow' href='" . $result['DetailPageURL'] ."'>";
        if (isset($result['SmallImage']['URL'] )) {
            echo "<img style=' margin: 0px; margin-left: 10px; border: 1px solid black; max-height: 55px;' align='right' src='". $result['SmallImage']['URL'] ."'>";
        echo $result['ItemAttributes']['Title'] . "<br/>";
        echo "<small>";
        if (isset($result['ItemAttributes']['Brand'])) {
            echo $result['ItemAttributes']['Brand'] ;
        echo "</small>";
        echo "</a>";
        echo "</p>";
} else {
    echo "<p>No suggestions found</p>";

Linking to the store using an affiliate ID

I haven’t checked to see if this actually works yet, as I will need to buy something to see the process through. It looks as though the URL is correct for making a purchase, and linking it to the Amazon associate (affiliate) ID.

$affiliateId = "XXXX123456-21";

$asin = $result['ASIN'];

echo "<a target='_Blank' href='".$asin."?ie=UTF8&tag=".$affiliateId."&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=".$asin."'>";

if (isset($result['SmallImage']['URL'] )) {
    echo "<img style=' margin: 0px; margin-left: 10px; border: 1px solid black; max-height: 55px;' align='right' src='". $result['SmallImage']['URL'] ."'>";
if (isset($result['ItemAttributes']['Title'])) {
    echo $result['ItemAttributes']['Title'] . "<br/>";
echo "<small>";
if (isset($result['ItemAttributes']['Brand'])) {
    echo $result['ItemAttributes']['Brand'] ;
echo "</small>";

echo "</a>";
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