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This software launches and uses real AWS resources. It is not a demo or test. By using this software, you will incur the costs of any resources it uses in your AWS account.
This repository is a work in progress. A more complete version of this README and code is coming soon.
- You must have AWS credentials at the default location (typically
) - You must have the following programs installed on the machine you will be using to launch the network:
- Python 2.7
- Hashicorp Packer
- Hashicorp Terraform
The following AWS regions are supported for use with this tool. Attempting to use regions not on this list may result in unexpected behavior. Note that this list may change over time in the event new regions are added to AWS infrastructure or incompatibilities with existing regions are added or discovered.
- us-east-1
- us-east-2
- us-west-1
- us-west-2
- eu-central-1
- eu-west-1
- eu-west-2
- ap-south-1
- ap-northeast-1
- ap-northeast-2
- ap-southeast-1
- ap-southeast-2
- ca-central-1
- sa-east-1
The network that the eximchain node will connect to is determined in the AMI at packer build time.
By default, the packer build will build an AMI that will connect to the Eximchain main network. If you wish to connect to the Eximchain test network, use the gamma-test-network
branch to build your AMI instead. You MUST build your own AMI to connect to the Eximchain test network.
Generate an RSA key with ssh-keygen. This only needs to be done once. If you change the output file location you must change the key paths in the terraform variables file later.
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/eximchain-node
# Enter a password if you wish
Add the key to your ssh agent. This must be done again if you restart your computer. If this is not done, it will cause problems provisioning the instances with terraform.
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/eximchain-node
# Enter your password if there is one
You may skip this step. If you do, your AMI will be the most recent one built by the official Eximchain AWS Account. We try to keep this as recent as possible but currently no guarantees are made.
If you wish to build yourself, use packer to build the AMIs needed to launch instances
$ cd packer
$ packer build eximchain-node.json
# Wait for build
$ cd ..
Copy the example.tfvars file
$ cd terraform
$ cp example.tfvars terraform.tfvars
Fill in your username as the cert_owner
$ sed -i '' "s/FIXME_USER/$USER/" terraform.tfvars
If you did the build yourself, make sure to specify a eximchain_node_ami
variable with the resulting AMI ID.
Check terraform.tfvars and change any values you would like to change. Note that the values given in examples.tfvars is NOT completely AWS free tier eligible, as they include t2.small and t2.medium instances. We do not recommend using t2.micro instances, as they were unable to compile solidity during testing.
You may also fill in the quorum_dns variable if you would like to use a remote vault server for key storage, in the case you are using this as part of a larger infrastructure. If not filled in, a local vault server backed by an s3 bucket will be run on the node.
If it is your first time using this package, you will need to run terraform init
before applying the configuration.
Apply the terraform configuration
$ terraform apply
# Enter "yes" and wait for infrastructure creation
Note the DNS in the output or retain the terminal output. You will need it to finish setting up the node.
SSH into the node:
$ NODE=<node DNS>
$ ssh ubuntu@$NODE
If you are not using a remote vault server, initialize the vault. Choose the number of key shards and the unseal threshold based on your use case. For a simple test cluster, choose 1 for both. If you are using enterprise vault, you may configure the vault with another unseal mechanism as well.
$ KEY_SHARES=<Number of key shards>
$ KEY_THRESHOLD=<Number of keys needed to unseal the vault>
$ vault init -key-shares=$KEY_SHARES -key-threshold=$KEY_THRESHOLD
Unseal the vault and initialize it with permissions for the quorum nodes. Once is complete, the quorum nodes will be able to finish their boot-up procedure. Note that this example is for a single key initialization, and if the key is sharded with a threshold greater than one, multiple users will need to run the unseal command with their shards.
$ UNSEAL_KEY=<Unseal key output by vault init command>
$ vault unseal $UNSEAL_KEY
$ ROOT_TOKEN=<Root token output by vault init command>
$ /opt/vault/bin/ $ROOT_TOKEN
If any of these commands fail, wait a short time and try again. If waiting doesn't fix the issue, you may need to destroy and recreate the infrastructure.
Wait for processes to start
One way to check is to inspect the log folder. If exim and constellation have started, we expect to find logs for constellation
and eximchain
, not just init-eximchain
$ ls /opt/quorum/log
Another way is to check the supervisor config folder. if exim and constellation have started, we expect to find files eximchain-supervisor.conf
and constellation-supervisor.conf
$ ls /etc/supervisor/conf.d
Finally, you can check for the running processes themselves. Expect to find a running process other than your grep for each of these.
$ ps -aux | grep constellation-node
$ ps -aux | grep exim
Once the processes are all running, you can attach your console to the exim JavaScript console
$ exim attach
You should be able to see your other nodes as peers. Connecting may take a few minutes.
> admin.peers
You should also have a nonzero block number once you start syncing.
> eth.blockNumber
To take down your running node:
# From the terraform directory
$ terraform destroy
# Enter "yes" and wait for the network to be destroyed
If it finishes with a single error that looks like as follows, ignore it. Rerunning terraform destroy
will show that there are no changes to make.
Error: Error applying plan:
1 error(s) occurred:
* aws_s3_bucket.vault_storage (destroy): 1 error(s) occurred:
* aws_s3_bucket.vault_storage: Error deleting S3 Bucket: NoSuchBucket: The specified bucket does not exist
status code: 404, request id: 8641A613A9B146ED, host id: TjS8J2QzS7xFgXdgtjzf6FR1Z2x9uqA5UZLHaMEWKg7I9JDRVtilo6u/XSN9+Qnkx+u5M83p4/w= "vault-storage"
Terraform does not automatically rollback in the face of errors.
Instead, your Terraform state file has been partially updated with
any resources that successfully completed. Please address the error
above and apply again to incrementally change your infrastructure.
This diagram shows the architecture of this infrastructure. It consists of a user specified number of nodes, each in their own autoscaling group. The nodes are all behind a load balancer that forwards RPC calls to nodes. This allows users to interact with the chain through RPC, assuming the user doesn't care which node executes the RPC call. The nodes sync with the main network by peering with the bootnodes specified on the Eximchain Github.
In this default architecture, each node runs a local Vault server, which needs to be unsealed independently after launch. The terraform module can be configured to use a remote vault server, however.