This is an all purpose e-shop practice project, maintain by a group of highly motivated young developers.
The client app is a React 18 JavaScript project, using MUI React components.
The server application is a Node JS application. ExpressJS framework.
MySQL / Sequelize (Sequelize is a modern TypeScript and Node.js ORM for Oracle, Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and SQL Server, and more.)
Database is loaded by Docker container locally.
1. Start the MySQL database containter with Docker locally
1.1 folder /compose docker-compose up -d
1.2 Run SQL script from /database folder
2. Create mock data
2.1 Open Postman
2.2 From hamburger menu in the top left corner
"File -> import" select collection
folder database/mock_data_brands-types-products.postman_collection.json
2.3 In Postman right click on the loaded mock_data collection and click run collection
>The mock data should be now loaded to the database
3. Start the server application
3.1 Install dependencies folder /server -> npm install
3.2 Start server in development mode folder /server -> npm start
4. Start the client application
4.1 Install dependencies folder /client -> npm install
4.2 Start client in development mode folder /client -> npm start