Run openmod install Feli.AdminTools
- Add more commands
- Add some options to make moderation better
- Discord:
- whois: A command know the owner of something you are looking at id: AdminTools.Commands.WhoIsCommand
- storage: A command to open locked storages id: AdminTools.Commands.StorageCommand
- speed /speed | /speed : A command set the speed of a player id: AdminTools.Commands.SpeedCommand
- setbalance /setbalance : A command to set the balance of a player id: AdminTools.Commands.SetBalanceCommand
- salvage /salvage | /salvage : A command to set the salvage time of a player id: AdminTools.Commands.SalvageCommand
- handdestroyer /hdestroyer <on|off>: A command to toggle the destroyer mode id: AdminTools.Commands.HandDestroyerCommand
- fly /fly <on|off>: A command to toggle the fly mode id: AdminTools.Commands.FlyCommand
- door: A command to open/close a door id: AdminTools.Commands.DoorCommand
- clear /clear i | /clear ev: A command to clear items or vehicles id: AdminTools.Commands.ClearCommand
- clearinventory /ci | /ci : A command to wipe players inventory id: AdminTools.Commands.ClearInventoryCommand
- Feli.AdminTools:commands.clear: Grants access to the AdminTools.Commands.ClearCommand command.
- Feli.AdminTools:commands.clearinventory: Grants access to the AdminTools.Commands.ClearInventoryCommand command.
- Feli.AdminTools:commands.door: Grants access to the AdminTools.Commands.DoorCommand command.
- Grants access to the AdminTools.Commands.FlyCommand command.
- Feli.AdminTools:commands.handdestroyer: Grants access to the AdminTools.Commands.HandDestroyerCommand command.
- Feli.AdminTools:commands.salvage: Grants access to the AdminTools.Commands.SalvageCommand command.
- Feli.AdminTools:commands.setbalance: Grants access to the AdminTools.Commands.SetBalanceCommand command.
- Feli.AdminTools:commands.speed: Grants access to the AdminTools.Commands.SpeedCommand command.
- Grants access to the AdminTools.Commands.StorageCommand command.
- Feli.AdminTools:commands.whois: Grants access to the AdminTools.Commands.WhoIsCommand command.