Virus Game for Channel Islands Software Engineering Class
#Implemented in Unity3D
Presentation Link(Also contained in Presentation_Libraries_API directory):
(Instructions in End User Documentation) - Run Virus Simulation by Downloading respective build from Builds folder.
For Professor Pawel Pilarczyk: The base source code for the game mechanics is located in VirusProject/Assets/Scripts. This is also documented using doxygen (Documentation folder).
These are all c# .NET program scripts. They all run using modules packaged from the UnityEngine import, and are NOT runnable as standalone.
They must be compiled and ran with the engine, and each one is configured specifically for how our game project is set up.
So, if you are wishing to run each c# program and view how it affects the entire project, you will need to download the Unity Editor (a free download)
and clone the repository then simply open up the repository in the editor OR open up a single scene (scenes are located in VirusProject/Assets/Scenes).
If you wish to just view the entire project in it's runnable form, then you simply need to download one of the builds (located in Builds folder in repository directory).
The rest of the objects located in the VirusProject/Assets folder include Animations, Audio, Prefabs that we created in editor, Sprites, etc.
View as you wish, but once again, not really runnable except with the game as a whole.