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- By Lucifer11
- My QQ:1185151867
- My Blog
D:\Go\testgofiles\oldboygo\day12\goportscan>goportscan.exe -h
Usage of goportscan.exe:
-allports string
select this option to scan all open ports in 65535 ports (default "n")
-end-port int
the port from whitch the scanning ends (default 10000)
-ipfile string
the file stored ip list (default "iplist.txt")
-start-port int
the port on whitch the scanning starts (default 1)
-timeout duration
timeout (default 500ms)
D:\Go\testgofiles\oldboygo\day12\goportscan>goportscan.exe -allports y
[+] scanning host: [163.com], port: [64660]
[+] scanning host: [163.com], port: [64642]
[+] scanning host: [163.com], port: [65094]
[+] scanning host: [163.com], port: [64655]
[+] scanning host: [163.com], port: [65173]
[+] scanning host: [163.com], port: [65311]
[+] scanning host: [163.com], port: [64934]
[+] scanning host: [163.com], port: [60555]
[+] scanning host: [163.com], port: [60259]
[+] scanning host: [163.com], port: [64640]
[+] host [163.com] opening ports: [443 80]
[+] [4399.com] Resolved address is []
D:\Go\testgofiles\oldboygo\day12\goportscan>goportscan.exe -start-port 3389 -end-port 3389
[+] [] Resolved address is []
[+] scanning host: [], port: [3389]
[+] host [] opening ports: []
[+] [] Resolved address is []
[+] scanning host: [], port: [3389]
[+] host [] opening ports: []
[+] [] Resolved address is []
[+] scanning host: [], port: [3389]
[+] host [] opening ports: [3389]
[+] [] Resolved address is []
[+] scanning host: [], port: [3389]
[+] host [] opening ports: []
[+] iplist scan finished!
- 批量快速快速扫描ip文件列表,并遍历65535全端口
- ip和域名都能扫
- 扫描结果以ip:[port]形式放入resultip.txt文件中
- 支持批量ip单端口扫描
- 持续添加新功能
- 如果工具打开报错请把flag.txt和go build生成的goportscan.exe放在同一目录下即可