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openCX-T7G3 ESOF Teas Development Report

Welcome to the documentation view of the Schedule IT of openCX!

So far, contributions are exclusively made by the initial team, but we hope to open them to the community, in all areas and topics: requirements, technologies, development, experimentation, testing, etc.

Please contact us!

Thank you!

Clara Moreira, Flávia Carvalhido, João Dossena, Leonor Gomes, Luís Assunção.

Product Vision

Crafting YOUR personalized schedule, tailored for your needs.

Elevator Pitch

Conference productivity? Let's make it a thing! You don't have to look for talks, we find them for you! With ScheduleIT, you’ll have your own personalized generated schedule fit to your preferences and interests! Going to a conference was never easier.


As a schedule application, the main requirements of our product consist in generating a personalized and optimized schedule to each conference attendee based on their respective interests. This schedule should then be displayed in a manner that is aesthetically appealing and intuitive to the user. The app must also allow the conference admin to enter the conference informations, such as the list of talks, the conference schedule and the respective tags. As a mobile application the product needs to have a performance tailored to the capabilities of smartphones.

Use case diagram

use case diagram


  • Actor: Attendee or Conference Admin
  • Description: Attendees and Conference Admins register so that they can use the app and register in the system.
  • Preconditions and Postconditions: Before the Register there is nothing, as a User's story begins registering so they can access their info later.
  • Normal Flow: During register, user's provide their email, a password, name and location. After registering, user's usually carry on and make their own profiles and discover the app's functionalities.
  • Alternative Flows: There are no alternate actions for the register process.


  • Actor: Attendee or Conference Admin
  • Description: As of the act of registering, the users get access through login with email and password and have their own profile.
  • Preconditions and Postconditions: To perform the login action, one must first register. Same goes for the profile.
  • Normal Flow: During login, email and password should be provided and be valid credentials in order to access one's account. In the profile, people can visualize their own profile info.
  • Alternate Flows: User's have to login to access the app, however they do not have to necessarily go through their profile everytime they login, they can skip ahead and do something else in the app.

Choose tags of their interest

  • Actor: Attendee
  • Description: Every attendee must have tags of themes in which they are interested in. Therefore, after register and also later on while using the app, attendees can choose (add or delete) tags. This is extremelly important for later generation of the schedule.
  • Preconditions and postconditions: To choose tags, one must be logged in the app and have chosen the conference they will attend. After choosing the tags, the app has more information about the user's interests and will make a schedule tailored to them.
  • Normal flow: After choosing the tags, the user will prioritize those tags in order for the app to take into consideration how much the user likes a theme compared to other.
  • Alternate flow: Choosing tags is mandatory in order for the app to generate schedules therefore this is a mandatory step.

Prioritize tags

  • Actor: Attendee
  • Description: The attendees can order the tags they choose according to their preferences, after register and also later on while using the app.
  • Preconditions and postconditions: Before prioritizing tags, the attendee must have selected the tags of his interest. After prioritizing tags,the app can generate a schedule even more tailored to the attendee.
  • Normal Flow: The user should prioritize the tags after choosing them. After prioritizing the tags, the user can navigative the rest of the app.
  • Alternate Flows: The users can prioritize tags whenever they want. Prioritizing tags is not a mandatory step, so the user can step over it.

Choose conference to attend

  • Actor: Attendee
  • Description: The attendee chooses the conference they want to attend so that the app can start generating a schedule for the attendee.
  • Preconditions and postconditions: For the attendee to choose the conference, the conference must be already uploaded on to the app. After choosing the conference, the attendee can choose the tags according to their interests.
  • Normal Flow: The attendee chooses from a list of available conferences the one he wishes to attend.
  • Alternate Flows: The attendee must choose a conference for the app to generate a schedule. If he does not choose a conference, nothing happens and there's no generated schedule.

Have a Generated Schedule According to Attendee interests

  • Actor: Attendee
  • Description:The ateendes are presented with a costumized conference schedule, according to their interests.
  • Preconditions and postconditions: There has to be a selected conference for the app to generate a schedule based on the attendee's interests. Afterwards, the attendee will have a personalized schedule just for them.
  • Normal Flow: The attendee, after picking a conference, gets a automatically generated schedule based on their interests.
  • Alternate Flows: There are no alternate flows to this use case.

Consult Generated Talk Schedule

  • Actor: Attendee
  • Description: The attendees are able to consult their generated talk schedule.
  • Preconditions and postconditions: The attendee must be logged in and also have picked the conference he/she wants to participate in and the keywords he/she is interested in. After the schedule is generated, the attendee already has his/her own schedule to attend the conference and can consult it.
  • Normal Flow: After choosing the conference and keywords of interest, the schedule is generated. The attendee will be able to open and consult it.
  • Alternate Flows:After the schedule is generated, the attendee can check it whenever he/she wants.

Add conference talks, schedule and tags

  • Actor: Conference Admin
  • Description: The conference Admin can add the conference information, such as its talks, the schedule and tag, so that they can be accessed later on by the attendees.
  • Preconditions and postconditions: The Conference Admins need to be logged in and have a talk schedule ready to add to the app.
  • Normal Flow: The Conference Admin adds the talks to the app and proceedes to indicate the tags associated to them.
  • Alternate Flows: This is a necessary step for the app to be able to generate schedules for the attendees.

User stories

Epic User Story : As a conference attendee, I want to have a personalized schedule tailored to my interests.

User story map

  • As a conference admin, I want to upload talks, their schedule and their themes as keywords

User interface mockups:

Acceptance tests:

	Scenario: Uploading talks as an admin
		Given I am logged in 
		And I am on the add_talk page
		When I add a talk
		Then the talk is added on the app

Value: Must have

Effort: L

  • As an user, I want to be able to login on the app

User interface mockups:

Acceptance tests:

	Scenario: Entering as a user
	    Given I am on the Login page
	    When I login with valid credentials
	    Then I am logged in

Value: Should Have

Effort: M

  • As an attendee, I wish to choose my interests from a list of keywords so that my schedule is made according to them.

User interface mockups:

Acceptance tests:

	Scenario: Choosing interests as an attendee
		Given I am logged in 
		And I am on the choose tag page
		When I select a tag
		Then that tag is added as an interest of mine

Value: Must Have

Effort: M

  • As a user, I want to have my own profile

User interface mockups:

Acceptance tests:

	Scenario: Consulting profile information
		Given I am logged in
		And I am on the burguer menu
		When I choose the Profile option
		Then I see my profile information

Value: Must Have

Effort: L

  • As an attendee, I want to evaluate my interests quantitatively in keywords I choose so that talks about topics that interest me the most are prioritized.

User interface mockups:

Acceptance tests:

	Scenario: Evaluating interests quantitatively
		Given I am logged in 
		And I am on the evaluate interests page
		When I choose the value of my interests
		Then that value persists on the app

Value: Should Have

Effort: M

  • As an attendee, I want to choose the conference that I will attend.

User interface mockups:

Acceptance tests:

	Scenario: Choosing a conference as an attendee
		Given I am logged in 
		And I am on the choose conference page
		When I select a conference
		Then I can select my interests

Value: Should Have

Effort: M

  • As an attendee, I want to be able to check my generated schedule

User interface mockups:

Acceptance tests:

	Scenario: Checking generated schedule
		Given I am logged in 
		And I have already chose my interests and evaluated them
		When I go to the main page
		Then I can consult my schedule

Value: Must Have

Effort: L

  • As an user, I want to be able to log out of my profile

User interface mockups:

Acceptance tests:

	Scenario: Logging out as an user
		Given I am logged in
		And I am on the burguer menu
		When I choose the Logout option
		Then I am logged out of the app

Value: Should Have

Effort: S

  • As a conference admin, I want to create a Conference

User interface mockups:

Acceptance tests:

	Scenario: Creating a conference as an admin
		Given I am logged in 
		And I am on the Create Conference page
		When I create a conference with valid data 
		Then the conference is saved on the app

Value: Must Have

Effort: L

  • As an user, I want to be able to register on the app

User interface mockups:

Acceptance tests:

	Scenario: Registering as a user
	    Given I am on the Register page
	    When I register with valid data
	    Then I am authenticated

Value: Should Have

Effort: L

  • As an user, I want to have an app that is easy to navigate through

User interface mockups:

Acceptance tests:

   Scenario: Navigating through the app
   	Given I am logged in 
   	When I open the burger menu
   	Then I can navigate through the app

Value: Must Have

Effort: M

Domain model

Domain Model

Architecture and Design

The software architecture of the app contains all its key components and their relationships, from a logical and a physical point. All those key components and interactions between them are what makes the app.

Logical architecture

Logical architecture


To structure our app on a high-level, we opted to use the MVC architectural pattern, since it is very recommended for this sort of project.

In the View component resides the user interface and front-end of our app: the display of our different app states and data.

The Model component contains all the app data: profiles, schedules, etc.

Last but not least, the Controller component that connects the Model to the View: the Model sends data for the View to display and the View sends user inputs for the Model to process.

The Model gets the data from the databases containing all the user and conference information and the View gets inputs from the user interactions with the GUI view.

Physical architecture

Physical architecture

We are using the Flutter framework because it was recommended to us by our teachers as it is the easiest with which to get acquainted and to work. For authentication purposes in the app, we opted to use Firebase as it appears to be the best option for our login system. The server is needed to save our app data like schedules, talks, profiles, etc.


During iteration 0 whe planned the project using an Agile methodology, preparing with the objective of having a defined path but not plannning down to every little detail. Having this in mind, we decided what the main focus of the app would be: a personalized schedule. Also during iteration 0 we decided to use firebase authentication as the method of authentication in the app and created some mockups to guide us during the styling and user experience development. No code was made during this iteration because we were still learning flutter and developing code at this early stage of knowledge would only bring chaos to the project.


To generate the schedule fit for the user needs, an algorithm was implemented.

First, it calculates the interest per talk by adding the priorities of each keyword of a talk and creating a map with keys being the talks and values being the interest.

After that, it sorts a list of talks from the conference in a way that the first talks are the one that the user is more interested in.

Lastly, it iterates through that list and if the possible talk is compatible with the already added talks, it adds to the list of talks the user will/can attend.


In order to make sure that our application works as expected, we have implemented a series of tests using flutter's testing framework.

Test Plan

Flutter Unit Tests

We have implemented unit tests to ensure that our base classes and their methods work as expected. The tests encompass:

  • Constructors
  • Attributes
  • Methods

Flutter Widget Tests

We have implemented some widget tests to ensure that the widgets are displayed and work correctly. However, we could not test every single widget since we had problems with the database and it would require a massive amount of refactoring to fix in such a short time. The tests encompass:

  • Adding tags as an admin
  • Logging in as a user

Flutter Acceptance Test

Using Gherkin testing, we automatized an acceptance test for the login user story. This test is in the "test_driver" folder.

Test Case Specifications

Flutter Unit Tests


These tests confirm that whenever a constructor is called, an object of one of our base classes is created.


These tests confirm that whenever an object of one of our base classes is created, its attribute fields are filled correctly.


These tests confirm that whenever a method is called, their algorithms are correct and they return the expected result.

Flutter Widget Tests

Adding tags as an admin

These tests confirm that, when the admin is on the "Add Tags" page, enters the title of a tag, and presses the button, that tag is registered in the app. They also confirm that when the admin only enters the title and does not press the button, the tag is not added.

Logging in as a user

These tests confirm that when the user types their email and password in their respective fields, the text is read correctly.

Flutter Acceptance Test


This test confirms that if the user fills the "Email" and "Password" fields in the Login Page, he/she is logged in.

Configuration and change management

Configuration and change management are key activities to control change to, and maintain the integrity of, a project’s artifacts (code, models, documents).

For the purpose of ESOF, we will use a very simple approach, just to manage feature requests, bug fixes, and improvements, using GitHub issues and following the GitHub flow.

Project management

We used Github Projects as our only project management tool to organize the project.

Evolution - contributions to open-cx

Describe your contribution to open-cx (iteration 5), linking to the appropriate pull requests, issues, documentation.