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MADFSH: A Tool to Create an FHIR IG Representation of Quality Measure Data Requirements

This tool takes as input FHIR-based representations for a set of quality measures that include explicit data requirements and outputs a set of FHIR Shorthand files for a FHIR Profile-based representation of those data requirements. These files can be combined with additional IG content and run through the IG Publisher infrastructure to create a FHIR Implementation Guide representing data requirements for the input measure set.

Getting started

To install the application, download the source code and then run npm install from the root directory. Note: The instructions assume that ts-node is installed globally. If you do not wish to install ts-node globally, you can use node_modules.bin\ts-node src/app.ts for execution.

To run the converter on some sample input, from the root directory run ts-node src/app.ts. This command will execute on a small set of measures as configured in the default-config.json file.

See the CLI section below for how to specify credentials needed to load terminology details.


The following options are recommended for use when invoking MADFSH

  • -c <path> (or --config-file <path>): path to configuration file to use on this run
  • -a <value> (or --apikey <value>): nlm api key for fetching vsac value set details
  • -lu <value> (or --loincuser <value>): LOINC username for fetching LOINC code details
  • -lp <value> (or --loincpassword <value>): LOINC password for fetching LOINC code details

The following additional options can help with fine-tuning and debugging

  • -n <path> (or --narrative-file <path>): specifies a relative path to a JSON file containing element descriptions for use in generating narrative content.
  • -oidr (or --outputintermediatedatareqjson): flag to output intermediate data requirements to file aggr-data-require.json.

Configuration File Format

MADFSH uses a configuration file to determine what measures to include in the generated content, where to find them, and details needed to fine-tune the conversion.

  • projectName: short string describing the project used for prefixes where generating IG identifiers and urls.
  • projectMarkdownNameAndLink: a markdown string, typically containing a link (form = [text](url)) used in narrative content to describe where the in-scope measures come from and provide readers of the IG a way to get more information.
  • inputRoot: root folder where measure input files will be found.
  • inputFileList: list of filenames for measure files inside the inputRoot. If empty, all .json files in the inputRoot directory will be included.
  • outputRoot: root folder where output files will be placed. A sushi-config.yaml file must be present in the directory that includes IG configuration details including IG dependencies, as well as an input directory with fsh and pagecontent subfolders.
  • exampleMarkdownFile: name of a file to place generated narrative content around examples. Will be placed in the outputRoot/input/pagecontent/ folder. If not present, examples will not be processed.
  • exampleInputFolder: folder to load example instances from, relative to the inputRoot.
  • exampleOutputFolder: folder where output example files will be placed, relative to the outputRoot (Default = outputRoot/input/examples/).
  • profileURLReplace: list of replacements for unresolvable profile URLs found in the measures. Each entry is an object with two keys:
    • source: profile URL that will be replaced
    • target: profile URL that will be used instead
  • measureExtensionURL: url defining the extension to use for indicating measure that use a profile or element.
  • measureLinkFile: file path relative to the inputRoot for a file that includes measure details such as an identifier. The file MUST contain a json list of objects each with the following four keys:
    • name: short name of the measure used for display in the generated narrative.
    • identifier: id for the measure.
    • keyURL: url used to identify the measure within the measure files.
    • definitionURL: resolvable url that contains measure details used to populate links in the generated narrative.
  • valueSetDetails: value set details provided manually for use in cases where they cannot be loaded. Each element of this list is an object with four keys:
    • url: key for the value set for which details are being provided.
    • name: short name for the value set used for display in the generated narrative.
    • id: identifier for the value set used to identify it.
    • webLinkUrl: resolvable url with value set information used in the generated narrative. Defaults to the key url.
  • codeDetails: code details provided manually for use in cases where they cannot be loaded. Each element of this list is an object with four keys:
    • code: target code as seen in the measure definitions.
    • system: target code system as seen in the measure definitions.
    • display: text describing what the code represents for use in the generated narrative.
    • webLinkUrl: resolvable url with information on the code used in the generated narrative.
  • elementDetailOverrides: By default, only must support elements at the root level of a resource are listed in narrative descriptions of which elements are required. In some cases, root level elements should not be included in this list and sub-elements should. This list supports overriding that behavior to support these use cases. Each entry in the list is an object with these keys:
    • parentProfileKey: parent profile that will be adjusted
    • path: element id for the item for which the default logic is changed.
    • includeInNarrative: boolean indicating whether the the target element will appear in the narrative list.
  • createDataReqJSON: debugging option. If true then the aggr-data-require.json in the root folder will contain the aggregated data requirements extracted from the target measure set prior to generation of the IG.

Input / Output

As an input, measure bundle files containing FHIR Library resources should be located under the configured inputRoot (Default: measure_input/). Files should be formatted as *.json.

After successful execution, outputs will be located under the configured outputRoot (Default: . - used by sushi and the ig-publisher for their input): - .fsh files will be created under input/fsh/ subdirectory - .md files will be created under input/pagecontent/ subdirectory.

FHIR IG Generation

Based on the .fsh and .md created, you can generate a FHIR IG using SUSHI on the same repository. See the SUSHI installation documentation for installing the SUSHI tool on your system. If the output of MADFSH has gone to the default location, then to compile FSH files execute

sushi .

To generate complete FHIR IG (which includes sushi, but takes much longer) execute

./ (for Mac) ./_genonce.bat (for Windows)

Project Initialization Walkthrough

The following list provides step-by-step instructions for taking a set of measures and creating an IG that describes the data requirements for that set of measures. The process of creating a measure set IG is iterative, so these steps will only get you to a first version of the IG which will then need to be tweaked using the configuration options described above and in sushi and the crafting of additional static content.



Obtain a measure set to use for IG generation that meet the following requirements:

  1. Measures must be FHIR-based: they must be built off of the FHIR data model. This will typically mean a version of QI-Core (see additional notes for specific considerations).
  2. Measures must be packaged using the FHIR-based eCQM representation format.

These pre-requisites are consistent with how FHIR-based measures are currently authored and distributed, such as from MADiE.

Optional Additional Inputs

Because the FHIR-based infrastructure for measure publishing is not yet in place, additional details on the measure, such as the an identifier like the CMS number and a link to a publicly-available definition of the measure, are not avilable directly from the measure. In order to provide this information, an additional measure details file following the format specified in the measureLinkFile configuration optional can be provided as an input as well. The IG can be generated without this information, but the output will be nicer with it.


The following software needs to be installed on your system in order to install and run MADFSH and the rest of the toolchain.

  1. Java
  2. [Jekyll] (
  3. Node.js and npm
  4. SUSHI

MADFSH install

Download the code in this repository and install the code in this repository. Note the parent <source> directory and the <source>/<MADFSH source> directory for use later.

MADFSH project initialization

  1. From a terminal in the <source>/<MADFSH source> directory, execute the command ts-node src/app.ts init-madfsh-project <project root>. This will create a <source>/<project root> folder.
  2. Place the measure bundle files into the <project root>/madfsh-input folder: this is where MADFSH will look to find them. You can delete the measure_json_files_go_here file in that directory, but MADFSH will ignore it you do not remove it.
  3. Place any available example instance files in the <project root>/madfsh-input/examples folder. You can delete the example_json_files_go_here file in that directory, but MADFSH will ignore it you do not remove it.
  4. If you have a measure details file, place it in the <project root>/madfsh-input directory and update the <project root>/madfsh-config.json file with a path to that file relative to <project root>. For example, if the file is measure-details.json and is the in the madfsh-input folder, then the path to use would be "measureLinkFile": measure-details.json.

MADFSH execution

In a terminal navigate to the MADFSH install directory (<source>/<MADFSH source>). From there execute:

ts-node src/app.ts -c ../<project root>/madfsh-config.json

See the CLI section above for details on the -a, -lu, and -lp arguments which can be added to this initial run, or can be added during later runs.

Download the IG publisher

Change to the <project root> directory and run the following command to download the ig publisher:

./ (for Mac) ./_updatePublisher.bat (for Windows)

Follow the prompts to get the publisher downloaded.

IG generation

In a terminal navigate to the <project root> directory and execute:

./ (for Mac) ./_madfsh_genonce.bat (for Windows)

This will run through the standard IG publication logic, resulting in content within the output directory. You can open the igShortcut.html file in your <project root> directory, which will redirect you to the IG home page, or alternatively find and open the index.html or other target file from the output folder in a web browser to access the generated IG. Using the _madfsh version of the scripts will also copy compressed files with ig content to the distribution folder.

Additional information on _genonce and _gencontinuous

Included in this repository is both the standard _genonce and _gencontinuous IG scripts relevant to the IG publisher. More information on the difference between these scripts is documented in the IG Publisher Scripts Repository.

Next Steps

Assuming you were able to generate an IG using these steps, you can now start to tweak settings, investigate issues flagged in the MADFSH output, and otherwise improve the generated IG.

Helpful resources include:

Good luck!

Additional Notes

QI-Core Versions for Measures and IGs

As of early 2024, most FHIR-based measures are written against the QI-Core 4.1.1 version. However, this version adds many must support elements beyond the US Core version it inherits from, making it a poor version from which to generate the IG because many additional elements would appear to be inherited, likely swamping the measure-specific ones. Thus, the default configuration currently uses the QI-Core 6.0.0 version, which has reduced the number must support elements added by QI-Core.

It is possible to use QI-Core 4.1.1-based measures and generate the IG based on the QI-Core 6.0.0 version. The necessary mapping of QI-Core 4.1.1 profiles to QI-Core 6.0.0 profiles is setup in the default-config.json file as well as the configuration in the template using the profileURLReplace configuration option.

Optional Final Step: IG Summary - Creating a data dictionary spreadsheet

IG Summary is an open-source tool intended to be run by those developing measure set FHIR IGs. IG Summary takes outputs of the IG Publisher to create an automated spreadsheet summarization from the FHIR IG. This output provides the FHIR IG content in a format that may be more accessible than the default FHIR artifact pages. The intended audience for this output is policy or other domain experts that are interested in a non-technical view of the data represented by the FHIR IG.

Interpreting IG Summary Outputs

The output of the IG Summary tool is a flattened list of data elements from the selected FHIR IG displayed in Microsoft Excel format. This file comes with several caveats:

  • Only must-support (MS) data elements are included.
  • Profiles defined externally to the IG, such as vital signs defined in base FHIR or US Core, are not included.
  • Sub-elements of complex types are not explicitly included.

If there is a discrepancy between this output and the FHIR artifacts, the FHIR artifacts are taken as the source of truth.

Running IG Summary on the FHIR IG is an optional, final step of the MADFSH process. The default set up of the MADFSH-generated IG Downloads page includes an overview of IG Summary and link to the generated output. Successfully running the IG Summary step will includes a download of the IG Summary excel sheet on the IG Downloads page.

If this step is not run or run incorrectly, the rest of the IG content and FHIR artifacts will remain applicable, but the IG Downloads page will contain a broken link in the IG Summary section.

Instructions for NOT Including a Data Dictionary Spreadsheet

If you do not want to include a data dictionary spreadsheet with the IG, then:

  1. Open the <project root>/input/pagecontent/ file and delete all markdown content starting from the header "### Data Dictionary".
  2. Delete the <project root>/input/images/DataDictionary folder.

Instructions for Data Dictionary Spreadsheet Generation

Information for installing and running, as well as further developing and testing, the IG Summary tool that is used to create the data dictionary spreadsheet can be found on the IG Summary Github. An ongoing area of development is modifying the output of IG summary to capture additional information relevant to generating implementation information from a measure set.
Right now, a prototype modification to capture this additional information that is helpful when looking at a measure set is in the measure-set-prototype branch. This adds on an additional column to the Data Elements tab. The column "Used by Measure" is specified "true" if the data element is used by one or more quality measure provided in the input measure set.

After the IG is finalized and run through the publisher, follow these steps to include a generated data dictionary spreadsheet:

  1. Run the IG Summary Tool: The IG Summary tool uses the package.tgz file found in the <project root>/output folder. To run this prototype version of IG Summary, follow all additional IG Summary instructions but use the specific node run command node --require ts-node/register src/ig-summary.ts create instead of ig-summary create.
  2. Add The Data Dictionary File to the input folder: Move the file created in step 1 to the <project root>/input/images/DataDictionary folder, which was created as a part of the template process. Remove the data-dictionary-empty.xslx file present there.
  3. Update the "data dictionary" link on the downloads page: open the <project root>/input/pagecontent/ file and replace the text data-dictionary-empty.xlsx with the name of the file moved in step 2.
  4. Re-run the IG Publisher: Run the IG Generation steps above again to run the IG Publisher and include the data dictionary file in the generated IG.

If any updates are made to the formal definitions within the IG, e.g., the measure inputs are updated or the configuration is tweaked, the IG Summary tool should be run again and the updated spreadsheet placed in the <project root>/input/images/DataDictionary folder.

Additional Notes on IG Summary

IG Summary is currently at a "beta" level of maturity and may have bugs or behave in unexpected ways. Any issues using the tool can be reported to the IG Summary project's Issues page.

Identifying and Resolving IG Generation Issues

The output from MADFSH is verbose and aims to provide users with enough information to determine where MADFSH encountered issues such as input that didn't match MADFSH assumptions. Some of these issues can be resolved through MADFSH configuration updates, while others may require changes to measures, or may not be actual issues.

This section details the different sections of MADFSH output, typical errors and warnings encountered in each of them, and possible resolution paths. Other errors may appear and suggested resolutions may not be appropriate for your project.

The three sections that typically have errors to resolve are:

Loading IG Dependencies

During this step, MADFSH is pulling in definitions from the base FHIR specification and IGs configured within the sushi-config.yaml file, typically including QI-Core and US Core versions.

Errors logged during this step indicate either problems in the underlying FHIR package infrastructure or in the specification of the packages in the sushi-config.yaml file.

Loading Measures

During this step, MADFSH is loading the input measures.

Errors logged during this step typically indicate that the format of the input measures was incorrect or corrupted in some way.

If a a warning of the form Measure link details not present for measure... appears, that is an indication that the measure link file doesn't have details for the indicated measure URL. Details for the indicated measure should be added to the measure link file, either the project-specific one of the default if in use. See the measureLinkFile configuration option for details.

Aggregating Data Requirements Across Measures

During this step, MADFSH is pulling the data requirements out of the input measure files and combining them into a single set of data requirements to use in generating IG profiles. The aggregation algorithm groups requirements using the profile element of the DataRequirement data type. MADFSH logs each measure and each dataRequirement entry as it processes them, allowing users to identify the entries that cause each error.

This section typically has errors that require resolution or at least consideration.

Data requirement broken assumption or missing information

MADFSH will flag as an error any situation where the data requirements don't meet its assumptions or are missing information it needs. Situations it flags include:

  • No code filters on clinical resource types: Clinical resource types like Condition Medication, Observation, and others are general and measures will almost always be looking at only certain ones identified by codes from a value set. MADFSH logs an error when it sees a dataRequirement entry for one of these resource types without a code filter. Note that which resource types are considered clinical has been built into MADFSH. Reach out if there is a resource type getting these errors that shouldn't be as it may simply need to be added. There are some known cases, e.g., for Observation profiles for vital signs, where the profile specifies a particular code and the data requirements don't contain this information.
  • Missing information in a code files: if MADFSH sees a codeFitler entry without details such as a code or value set, it will throw an error.

Most often, errors encountered during this phase of MADFSH processing are issues with the requirements extraction that happens upstream of MADFSH. In most cases the issues will need to be addressed in that software.

Gathering Value Sets

During this step, MADFSH is loading details on value set and codes that it found within codeFilter entries. The specification of these value sets and codes in the data requirements is focused on machine rather than human processing. Fetching details such as the name and description allows MADFSH to provide these details in the generated narrative content so that it is easier for people to read and comprehend.

Errors logged in this sections are related to problems fetching the details which could be missing or incorrect credentials provided with the MADFSH command (see the -a, -lu, and -lp command options in the CLI), or may be transient server availability issues. In some cases, the value set or code may be inproperly specified in the measure, requiring upstream changes to resolve the issue.

Loading Profiles and Identifying Elements

During this step, MADFSH is matching elements found in the data requirements with the specific element definition within the identified profile. It will use this information to flag this element as a data requirement for measure calculation in the generated IG.

This section typically has errors that require resolution or at least consideration.

Unable to find element definition

If MADFSH is not able to find the element definition, then it is not able to include it in the requirements. In this case, an error will be logged.

There are generally two possible reasons for this type of error:

  • The data requirement extraction process (or less likely the measure logic) has mis-identified the element. In this case, a fix is needed upstream.
  • MADFSH does not have the capability to find the element, such as in the known case of sub-elements within datatypes. For example, the element Condition.abatementPeriod.start is not included explicitly within profiles on the Condition resource because start is an element defined in the Period datatype, not within Condition. Logic may be added to allow MADFSH to resolve these elements at a future date. Typically, these situations involve details down to a level that isn't needed, but if you have a use case for them being flagged explicitly, please reach out.

These errors need to be resolved or carefully considered because they indicate a data requirement from the measures is not being reflected within the IG.

Identifying Narrative Elements

During this step, MADFSH is determining which elements will be listed in the narrative and the description to use for them.

This section typically has errors that require resolution or at least consideration. The following sub-sections detail two typical issues and how to resolve.

Identifying the list

The list will be a subset of the elements that are required for measure calculation and those that are flagged as must support within the parent profile. Not all of these elements should be listed. Two general cases where flagged elements should not be listed include:

  1. Grouper elements: e.g., in a profile of US Core Encounter, must support element Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition is under the Encounter.hospitalization grouper element which is also must support. The Encounter.hospitalization element might be filtered since it is a duplicative of Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition and too general in comparison.
  2. Detail elements: e.g., In a profile of US Core Patient, must support element Patient.identifier.value is under the Patient.identifier element which is also must support. Patient.identifier.value might be filtered since it is duplicative additional detail beyond Patient.identifier.

However, MADFSH does not know which elements fall into which case. The current default heuristic used by MADFSH is that top-level elements are included in the narrative list while nested elements are not. In the future, improved heuristics may be implemented. In the meantime, MADFSH provides

  • A warning when a nested must support element is NOT included in the narrative, including whether that element is used by the measure or is an inherited must support requirement since that might inform how important it is to include in the list.
  • A way to override the heuristic through configuration using the elementDetailOverrides configuration option.

Users can resolve these errors by adding configuration entries to either tell MADFSH that the element explicitly should not be included in the list or to add it to the list. Configuration entries can also be added for top-level grouper elements that should be removed from the list.

Identifying the description

By default, MADFSH uses the short description defined with the FHIR element. However, that description is often inappropriate for a narrative section, e.g., because it is a list of possible values or are prefixed with flags like (USCDI). The US Core IG team has recognized this and writes their own narrative descriptions that they put into the narrative. MADFSH has extracted these US Core narrative descriptions for use on elements that are also used in MADFSH-generated IGs. However, MADFSH-generated IGs typically have data requirements that go beyond US Core.

To help users identify potential narrative description problems, MADFSH

  • logs a warning when an element included in the narrative list uses the default short description in the narrative.
  • provides a way for users to [specify a narrative description for elements] (#add-the-additional-descriptions-manually). Note that this configuration is not currently project-specific, but is shared.

Generating FSH

During this step, MADFSH is using the collected information to generate FHIR Shorthand representations of the profiles needed for the generated IG.

Errors logged during this step typically indicate a bug in the MADFSH code or a problem that was missed in an earlier step.

Generating Markdown Files

During this step, MADFSH is using the collected information to generate profile narrative content needed for the generated IG.

Errors logged during this step typically indicate a bug in the MADFSH code or a problem that was missed in an earlier step.

Generating Examples

During this step, MADFSH is pulling the example bundles provided and associating the entries within those bundles with the profiles generated for the IG. It is also creating a markdown file providing links to the example instances for using in the IG.

Errors logged during this step typically indicate a bug in the MADFSH code or a problem in the example inputs.

Narrative Description Configuration

By default, the application uses element descriptions from US Core whenever possible. While this provides a strong basis for automatically populating element descriptions, there may be elements that are not covered by these default descriptions.

There are two options withing the application for the user to add custom element descriptions:

Add the additional descriptions manually

Additional descriptions can be added to storage by following these steps:

  1. Copy the default mapping file (src/narrative-mappings/default-narrative-mapping.json) to a new file.
  2. Manually add new descriptions to the copied file with the format <profile name>: {<element path>: <string description>}. The profiles are mapped to a collection of element paths, and each element path is mapped to a single description.


    "us-core-allergyintolerance": {
        "AllergyIntolerance.patient": "a patient"

Add the additional descriptions via the CLI

New descriptions can be added to the running mapping using the CLI by running the following command from the terminal:

ts-node src/app.ts update-mapping <file path> <profile name> <element path> <desired description>

The required inputs to the command are as follows:

  1. file path - A relative file path for the file containing your mapping. If the file does not exist, a new mapping is created by copying the default narrative mappings retrieved from US Core. The new mapping will be written to this file.
  2. profile name - The name of the profile that the element belongs to. Examples include us-core-allergyintolerance and us-core-immunization.
  3. element path - An element path that will be written to the file. Examples include Observation.status, Medication.manufacturer, and Procedure.performed[x].
  4. desired description - A string representing the description of the element path. This description must be entered in quotes to be properly processed by the application. Example description: "Estimated or actual date, date-time, period, or age when the procedure was performed."

Using a custom narrative description file

By default, the narrative descriptions are derived from src/narrative-mappings/default-narrative-mapping.json. To specify a different description file, use the -n / --narrative-mapping option:

ts-node src/app.ts -n <file-name>

Using external terminology services

MADFSH can use web calls to get VSAC value sets and LOINC code details. To do so, NLM API key and LOINC credentials need to be provided as parameters below.

ts-node src/app.ts -a "[nlm api key]" -lu "[loinc username]" -lp "[loinc password]"


The tool runs best with node version 20. We also use the following development dependencies, which are installed automatically with npm install and are documented below for the sake of clarity:

  • Code auto-formatting: prettier; eslint
  • Logging: winston


Run the following commands to keep code format consistent before commiting any changes:

  • npm run prettier-format
  • npm run lint:fix


Copyright 2024 The MITRE Corporation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

FHIR® is the registered trademark of Health Level Seven International (HL7). Use of the FHIR trademark does not constitute an HL7 endorsement of this software.


This (software/technical data) was produced for the U. S. Government under Contract Number 75FCMC18D0047/75FCMC23D0004, and is subject to Federal Acquisition Regulation Clause 52.227-14, Rights in Data-General.

No other use other than that granted to the U. S. Government, or to those acting on behalf of the U. S. Government under that Clause is authorized without the express written permission of The MITRE Corporation.

For further information, please contact The MITRE Corporation, Contracts Management Office, 7515 Colshire Drive, McLean, VA 22102-7539, (703) 983-6000.

(c) 2024 The MITRE Corporation.

MITRE: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Public Release Case Number 24-0433


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