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FINT Elements/ePhorte adapter

This adapter connects Sikris Elements/ePhorte to FINT.

It uses the the following webserives:

  • Object Model Service V3 En
  • Document Service V3


Properties Default Description
fint.file-repository.cache-directory file-cache
fint.file-repository.cache-spec expireAfterAccess=5m,expireAfterWrite=7m

Case defaults

See for information on how to configure case defaults.

Configuring Ephorte Identities

This adapter supports configuration of the EphorteIdentity to be used based on the case type. This is done in two steps:

  1. Configure accounts to use
  2. Configure account per case type


Accounts are configured using the following properties:

  • fint.sikri.identity.account.<id>.external-system-name
  • fint.sikri.identity.account.<id>.username
  • fint.sikri.identity.account.<id>.password
  • fint.sikri.identity.account.<id>.role (optional)

The <id> part is a name you can choose freely.

Case types

Case types are linked to accounts using the properties of the following form:

  • fint.sikri.identity.casetype.default=<id>
  • fint.sikri.identity.casetype.<case>=<id>

SOAP debug parameters

OData filter support

This adapter have support for OData filtering of cases. That means it's now possible to get cases based on a OData filter, not only mappeid, systemid and soknadsnummer. The old filter (query param title) is now deprecated, use $filter=tittel eq 'Tittel' instead! FYI: The title filter is by nature a contains so you don't need a complete title.

We support saksaar, sakssekvensnummer, saksdato, oppdatert, arkivdel, administrativenhet, tilgangskode, saksmappetype, tittel, mappeid, systemid and primary and secundary klassifikasjon.


  • $filter=saksaar eq '2023'
  • $filter=saksaar eq '2023' and sakssekvensnummer eq '42'
  • $filter=sakssekvensnummer eq '42'
  • $filter=saksdato eq '31-12-1999'
  • $filter=oppdatert eq '29-02-2024' (last record date)
  • $filter=arkivdel eq 'Drosje'
  • $filter=administrativenhet eq '1337'
  • $filter=tilgangskode eq 'UO'
  • $filter=saksmappetype eq 'SAK'
  • $filter=tittel eq 'Drosjeløyvesøknad'
  • $filter=mappeid eq '2023/12345'
  • $filter=systemid eq '123456'
  • $filter=klassifikasjon/primar/ordning eq 'ORG' and klassifikasjon/primar/verdi eq '123456789'
  • $filter=klassifikasjon/sekundar/ordning eq 'EMNE' and klassifikasjon/sekundar/verdi eq 'N12'

PS! It's not possible to filter on both primary and secondary classification in the same filtered query.

Shielded or marked titles

Parts of titles can be shielded or marked.

  • To shield content, use @...@
  • To mark content, use #..#


When content is marked with '@'...

  • title: Kompetansemappe - Ola Normann - 01.01.1970
  • publicTitle: Kompetansemappe - @Ola Normann@ - @01.01.1970@


  • title: Kompetansemappe - Ola Normann - 01.01.1970
  • publicTitle: Kompetansemappe - ***** ***** - *****


When name is marked and date is shielded

  • title: Kompetansemappe - Kari Normann - 01.01.1970
  • publicTitle: Kompetansemappe - #Kari Normann# - @01.01.1970@


  • title: Kompetansemappe - Kari Normann - 01.01.1970
  • publicTitle: Kompetansemappe - ##### ####_ - *****