This is the robot code for the 2018 FRC game. All of the code is written in Java except for the vision code in Python.
- navx_frc*
- WPILib*
- cscore
- networktables
- opencv
- CTRE_Phoenix
- CTRE_Phoenix-Sources
- niVisionWPI
- wpiUtil
*These libraries will require you to set their path every time you import the project, the rest of them set themselves automatically
- Connect to the radio through Ethernet, Configure the Radio to have the most recent firmware
- Deploy the 2018 firmware to the roborio
- Connect to the Robo Rio through USB
- Run the Phoenix Lifeboat program on your computer to download the CTRE libraries onto the Rio
- Use in Internet Explorer with Microsoft Silverlight to see the roborio interface
- Update the firmware for the PDP and PCM, make sure the ports are set correctly
- Update the firmware for the Talons, make sure the ports are set correctly on them
- Deploy the code onto the rio
The code is set up to use SmartDashBoard for competition, though Shuffleboard works too
Our current Main branch is Auto-Logic-Testing