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Proposal Instructions |
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For some research projects, we provide free assistance with the preparation of grant proposals, including:
- Hypothesis generation
- Experimental design
- Data analysis and the generation of preliminary data
- Due to limited personnel resources for such activities, these services are provided based on merit and on a competitive, project-by-project basis. Investigators interested in receiving free assistance in the preparation of grant proposals must apply for these services. Applications will be reviewed by the CGPM Steering Committee. We may request modifications to proposals (e.g., requests for more information or clarifications). Applications will be reviewed using the following criteria:
Feasibility and Fundability. Services requested for the preparation of the grant proposal. Services requested for the grant proposal activities. The amount of time until the grant proposal deadline date. If fee-for-service more appropriate.
In order to apply for assistance in the preparation of grant proposals, investigators should prepare a short proposal to CGPM detailing the proposed activities, and should include the information listed below. Drafts of the funding-agency proposal may be provided to supplant much of the information below. Please email your application to
- Project title
- Funding agency and program (Award type or RFA)
- Proposal due and award dates
- Budget, duration
- Co-PIs and other collaborators
- Current state of the proposal
- History of the proposal (e.g. previously submitted but declined. Be specific.)
- Background
- Research aims
- Research approach
- Preliminary data
- Timeline of proposed work
- Do you need consultation on the design of proposed experiment and activities?
- Do you need assistance in writing portions of the grant proposal?
- Do you need assistance in analyzing data for the generating preliminary data? Be as specific as possible.
- What are the services you would like for the funded project activities? Be as specific as possible.
- For requests for preliminary data analysis, the investigator must provide detailed methods of how data was obtained, quality metrics of source material, and access to data so we can assess its quality and suitability for preliminary analysis.