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Reader Center

This app provides features for FTC user to manage account and subscription.


This project is generated by Vite

To run this app locally, you must:

  1. Setup MySQL with appropriate db schema;
  2. Install Go;
  3. Compile and run subscription-api;
  4. Compile and run ftacademy
  5. Run this app npm run dev.

Or you can proxy requests to production version of ftacademy by chaning proxy in vite.config.ts.

Or you can use mockjs to build a mocking backend service.

Pay attention:

  • Never touch the index.html file unde project root. This file is generated. Instead you should edit files under scripts/template file and then run npm run html-dev to update this file.
  • To upgrade bootstrap used in the index.html, update it in the package.json and then run npm run html-dev.

Deployment workflow

Run npm run publish command, which will generate build bundle.

By default, vite build will generate a production bundle for js and css. It will also copy index.html file into dist. However, the URLs for js and css will probably not what you want in a production envirionment. scripts/lib/deploy.ts file provides a prependAssetsUrl function to modify these URLs with JSDOM.

The npm run publish performs these steps:

  1. Run npm version <major|minor|patch> to increase version.
  2. Run vite build to generate production bundler.
  3. Run npm run deploy to
    1. Add a prefix to each JS and CSS URLs in dist/index.html file and save it as dist/home.html.
    2. geenerate a version file based on package.json field, then save it as dist/client_version_reader
    3. Copy dist/assets/*js,css files to SVN
    4. Copy dist/client_version_reader to the root of ftacademy
    5. Copy dist/home.html to ftacademy/web/template/reader directory.
  4. In backend project ftacademy, commint the updated files and then add a new version tag.

Then you should commit SVN and rebuild Go binary in Jenkins.

Folder layouts on my machine are as follows:

  |-- svn-online
    |-- ftac (SVN repository)
  |-- GolandProjects
    |-- ftacademy (the backend project)
    |-- reaader-react (thie project)

To copy production files into different folder structure, modiy scripts/ to suit your needs.

Scripts Commands

  • dev for local development
  • build generated production html, js and css into dist directory
  • html-dev update index.html file
  • deploy modified dist/index.html by chaning js and css urls to production ones, and then copy js, css, and html to respective folders.
  • publish Run build and deploy commands sequentially.

Testing Payment

  1. Enable test mode: in any of this app's url, append query parameter ?test=true. This will initialize Stripe SDK with test publishable key.

  2. Login with any of the test account found in Superyard. You will find a horizontal highlighted banner remiding you current mode and account type.

When you are in dev environment, any account is treated as a testing one.

Stripe Integration

Stripe provides two versions of frontend SDK:

Build a subscription integration描述了在网页中创建订阅的前后端流程。这个流程先创建订阅,但是处于未支付状态,然后通过返回的Subscription中的latest_invoice.payment_intent字段获取PaymentIntents,使用Payment Intents的client_secret才能调用Stripe.js的PaymentElement显示表单要求用户输入支付信息。在用户输入支付信息之前,这个subscription的状态是incomplete,这时我们知道用户的状态是未支付的,可以暂时不提供服务。

但是,当我们通过Combining trials with add_invoice_items在subscription中加入付费试用时,由于Stripe默认的试用是免费的,这种状态下创建的订阅不会生成client_secret,也就无法收集支付信息,而此时的订阅处于trialing状态,而不是incomplete。因此,最好在创建订阅前收集到支付信息,这需要用到SetupIntents。Setup Intents的用途就是仅收集支付信息而不支付。Stripe.js中也提供相关的功能。


  1. 通过我方服务器,请求Stripe API为当前用户创建一个Setup Intent,获取该对象中包含的client_secret

  2. client_scret传递给React Stripe.js中的Elements,在它下面再创建PaymentElement,就可以显示输入支付方式的表单;

  3. 用户点击保存后,调用Stripe.js的confirmSetup方法,此时应保存下本次订阅相关的数据存储到localStorage,以备跳转后使用;

  4. Confirm setup成功后跳转到你指定的URL,在URL上会加上一些参数:

    • setup_intent: setup intent id;

    • setup_intent_client_secret:即步骤1中获取的client_secret;

    • redirect_status: 成功后为succeeded

  5. 调用Stripe.js的retrieveSetupIntent来获取到更新后的Setup Intent,此时它的payment_method字段就有值了。注意获取更新后的Setup Intent也可以通过请求我方服务器转发的方式获取,但是这种方式获取的数据可能尚未更新,因此用在前端调用Stripe SDK更稳妥。

  6. 用上述payment_method,请求我方服务器获取PaymentMethods的数据,可以把本次使用的支付方式显示给用户。

  7. 提交服务器创建订阅时一并提交这个Payment Method的id,这个支付方式就成为本次订阅的扣款来源。


See Discounts for subscriptions. Pay particular attention to Coupon duration section.