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Fusion's node monitor

#Install postgreSQL

For Ubuntu/Debian :-

sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-common postgresql-client

The current version of postgreSQL is 12. The configuration should be changed to some defaults :-

cd /etc/postgresql/12/main/

sudo nano postgresql.conf

Change the Connection Settings to

listen_addresses = '*' # what IP address(es) to listen on. Can be more restrictive than this, since we only need

port = 5432 # (change requires restart)

Save these changes and edit the file pg_hba.conf :-

sudo nano pg_hba.conf

Add this line :-

host all all md5

Save the change and then restart the postgreSQL server :-

sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

The installation creates a user postgres. Ensure it has the password postgres and then log in :-

sudo passwd postgres

su - postgres

Then try to enter the psql shell :-


Now change the password to postgres :-


Now quit :-


The database and all necessary tables are created as user postgres with the standard server :-

psql -f

If you want to test the installation using a local efsn node, then this can be done as follows :-

#SHELL 1 (download the Fusion efsn source from github and build according the instructions)

efsn --ethstats myName:lol@localhost:3000 # Run node locally outputting to PORT 3000

Set the WebSocket client in wsclient.js to be :-

const wsclient = new WebSocketClient('ws://');

Alternatively, the default is to use the WebSocket client 'wss://' and you do not need to run efsn locally.

#SHELL 2 Start the server.js script which fires on the spark signals from the nodes in the network :-

npm start WS_SECRET="lol" PORT=3000 nodemon start # Collect data from the efsn MANAGERS

#SHELL 3 Set some environmental variables and start the WebSocket client :-

export SQLHOST=localhost # For a local PostgreSQL database

export SQLPASS=postgres # Corresponds to the postgres server password

node ./wsclient/wsclient.js # Instantiates a WebSocket connection to fsn-stats and logs node data to the PostgreSQL database myfusiondatabase and serves the data via Express for the React frontend.

#SHELL 4 Start the React frontend for the Node Monitor :-

cd react-frontend

npm start


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