- Email : demo@gmail.com
- Password : Demo@123
- cors
- dotenv
- express
- mongoose
- nodemon
- bcrypt
- jsonwebtoken
- nodemailer
- /add - to register user
- /login - to login user
- /forgot - to send reset password link to mail
- /reset - to reset password
- /portfolio - to submit portfolio
- /capstone - to submit capstone
- /leave - to submit leave application
- /testimonial - to submit testimonial
- /query - to submit query
- /task - to submit task
- /addClass - to add class data's
- /getClass - to get class data's
- /addRequirements - to add requirements data's
- /getRequirements - to get requirements data's
- /addPlacement - to add placement data's
- /getPlacement - to get placement data's
- creating salt value using bcrypt
- adding salt and hash values as password using bcrypt
- creating a data object to create user
- adding new user obj to the database
- creating a modified obj for history database
- adding user to the history database as well
- finding user using email
- if there is a not user with this email it will return as user not registered else continue
- comparing and validating password using bcrypt
- if the password is not matching it will send invalid password as response
- if the password is matching it will create a token using generateToken by importing from jsonwebtoken
- find user with email
- if there is no user it will send response as user not registered
- if the user email is founded it will send a link with id as params
- composing mail to send
- transport is imported from nodemailer to send mail
- finding user with id from params
- creating salt value using bcrypt
- creating hash values and adding salt value to create a password
- updating password in the database to a particular user
- is authorized using jsonwebtoken
- finding user and updating the portfolio
- is authorized using jsonwebtoken
- finding user and updating the capstone
- is authorized using jsonwebtoken
- finding user and updating leave application
- adding the data's in the history
- finding user in the history collection in the database
- finding user and updating the leaves application in the history collection
- is authorized using jsonwebtoken
- to find user and update the testimonial
- finding user in the history collection in the database
- finding user and updating the testimonial in the history collection
- is authorized using jsonwebtoken
- to find user and update the query
- finding user in the history collection in the database
- finding user and updating the query in the history collection
- is authorized using jsonwebtoken
- to find user and update the task
- finding user in the history collection in the database
- finding user and updating the task in the history collection
- adding class data's in the database
- to find the class data in the database
- adding requirements data's in the database
- to find the requirements data in the database
- adding placements data's in the database
- to find the placements data in the database