Retry failed jsonapi requests with retry policies.
It is greatly inspired by the Retry
package but aims to handle http requests from the jsonapi-http
With this package you can add retry policies to jsonapi-http
requests errors.
You can choose specific errors that will trigger a retry: unauthenticated error, network error, etc...
You can also send Cmd
s between 2 failures with the Http.CmdRetry
Here is an example retrying requests 5 times maximum with a constant interval between retries, only for unauthenticated and unauthorized errors:
import Http.Request
import Http.Retry
import Json.Encode
import JsonApi.Decode
request : Cmd Msg
request =
{ url = "http://endpoint"
, headers = []
, body = Json.Encode.object []
, documentDecoder = JsonApi.Decode.resources "resource-type" entityDecoder
|> Http.Retry.with
[ Http.Retry.maxRetries 5
, Http.Retry.exponentialBackoff { interval = 500, maxInterval = 3000 }
[ Http.Retry.onUnauthenticatedStatus
, Http.Retry.onUnauthorizedStatus
|> Task.perform OnTaskCompleted