A Student Research Paper Management System which can be used to collaborate between students and faculty members and manage research papers.
Faculty Members can supervise a student and his research paper.
PHP >= 7.2 - The language which powers web
MySql - DBMS
1 - IMPORT research.sql
2 - Change /config.php accordingly.
3 - It is strongly advised that you add a Virtual Host to this project.
For Demo
admin : user = admin@admin.com
pass = admin@admin.com
faculty: user = atif.khattak@nu.edu.pk
pass = atif.khattak@nu.edu.pk
student: user = safi@safi.com
pass = safi@safi.com
├───App // Everything related to current application
│ ├─── Class // Holds all class definitions to fetch data as objects from database
│ ├─── Controllers // Contains controllers for all route operations and methods
│ ├─── Data // contains User's images
│ └─── Views // Contains Views for current application
│ ├─── css
│ ├─── fonts
│ ├─── img
│ ├─── js
│ ├─── partials // Contains all repeated building blocks like head and foot etc.
├─── Core // Contains Framework's core classes like Database and Router definitions etc.
├─── Docs // Contains documentation
└─── vendor // Contains libraries included through Composer