**_This bot made for testing powerful abilities of node-red platform in bot-developing
- Language - Russian, but all nodes have english-localization name.
- Contains his own Database on Sqlite server
- Using an imgur.com hosting to save images.
!!Make a .db file with name "UserInfoDB" and make tables inside with "inject" button on the node-red dashboard. !!To work properly you need a database, which is in a rep. with name Database.db !!Need an Environment file to work. !!Make a text document with this context and convert it to .bat
Example of Environment file:
@ECHO OFF set TOKEN_VIBER=your token set NGROK_VIBER=ngrok tunnel/viber_bot set VIBER_SET_WEBHOOK=https://chatapi.viber.com/pa/set_webhook set VIBER_SEND_MESSAGE=https://chatapi.viber.com/pa/send_message set TOKEN_TELEGRAM=your token set NGROK_TELEGRAM=ngrok tunnel/telegram_bot set TELEGRAM_EDIT_MESSAGE=https://api.telegram.org/bot%TOKEN_TELEGRAM%/editMessageText set TELEGRAM_CALLBACK_ANSWER=https://api.telegram.org/bot%TOKEN_TELEGRAM%/answerCallbackQuery set TELEGRAM_SET_WEBHOOK=https://api.telegram.org/bot%TOKEN_TELEGRAM%/setWebhook?url=%NGROK_TELEGRAM% set TELEGRAM_SEND_MESSAGE=https://api.telegram.org/bot%TOKEN_TELEGRAM%/sendMessage set TELEGRAM_SEND_PHOTO=https://api.telegram.org/bot%TOKEN_TELEGRAM%/sendPhoto node-red
Short description:
Bot(for ShoeMarket) with autorization and sync between two messengers(Viber and Telegram). Made not for commerce.
node-red-node-sqlite node-red version upper 1.2.3, node.js version upper 12.13.0 npm ci (in main branch)
© Nassar.K - 2020