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Workflow for the RNA-Seq Analysis

This workflow is designed for automated processing of large numbers of samples. Each step below are executed in batch mode. The following scripts will be executed from the project folder path .../Diversity_outbred_bulk_RNA-Seq/.

1. QC of the FASTQ files

1.1 Run FASTQC

This step is to be performed twice, once on the raw fastq files (before trimming) and once after trimming.

  • Run FASTQC on a local computing environment

    # make sure FASTQC is installed and availble in the $PATH
    bash src/sh/ --help
    src/sh/ -i target_dir -o out_dir -m run_mode
        -i path to directory with fastq files
        -o Path to the directory where the outputs will be written
        -m value should be one of Trimmed/Untrimmed
  • Run FASTQC as a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)

    sbatch src/slurm/run_fastqc.slurm

    If needed, the user should change the values of target_dir, out_dir, and run_mode in the slurm script.

1.2 Combine FASTQC results with MultiQC

  • Run MultiQC on a local computing environment

    # make sure multiqc is installed and availble in the $PATH
    bash src/sh/ --help
    src/sh/ -i target_dir -o out_dir
        -i path to directory with FASTQC outputs
        -o Path to the directory where the multiQC report will be written
  • Run MultiQC as a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)

    sbatch src/slurm/run_multiqc.slurm

    If needed, the user should change the values of target_dir, and out_dirin the slurm script.

1.3 Drop low-quality reads and adapter sequences

Make sure to identify the sequencing platform and the library preparation protocol, this information helps us to identify appropiate adapters and contaminents that must be removed. Generally, the sequencing protocol utilizes TruSeq Stranded mRNA Kit, supported across several Illumina platform. Standard TruSeq adapters are provided as Illumina_TruSeq_adapters.fasta. For more details on Illumina adapters visit official documentation.

  • Run Trimmomatic in a local computing environment

    # make sure Trimmomatic is installed and availble in the $PATH
    bash src/sh/ --help
    src/sh/ -i target_dir -o out_dir -a adapter_file -w window -m min_len
        -i path to directory with fastq files
        -o Path to the directory where the outputs will be written
        -a Path to the adapter fasta file
        -w Sliding Window
        -m Minimum read length
        -t Trimmomatic alias

    For default installations of Trimmomatic v0.39, the trimmomatic alias shoud be trimmomatic-0.39.jar or it can be the path to trimmomatic-<version>.jar. For more details on the parameters, see the Trimmomatic manual.

  • Run Trimmomatic as a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)

    sbatch src/slurm/trim_fastq.slurm

    If needed, the user should change the values of target_dir, out_dir, adapter_file, window and min_len in the slurm script.

1.4 Extract trim statistics from the trimmomatic logs

Trimmomatic provides several valuable statistics, including the input reads and reads remaining after trimming and dropped reads. However, these statics are part of the console output. The following script extracts these statistics from the colsole output saved as a text file or log files.

  • Run as an R script

    # make sure R is installed and Rscript is availble in the $PATH
    Rscript src/R/extract_trimstat.R --help
    -e ERROR_LOG, --error_log=ERROR_LOG
            Path to the Trimmomatic error log file
    -c CONSOLE_LOG, --console_log=CONSOLE_LOG
            Path to the Trimmomatic console log file
    -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir=OUT_DIR
            A folder where the output will be written
    -h, --help
            Show this help message and exit
  • Run as a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)

    sbatch src/slurm/extract_trimstat.slurm

    Default values for the arguments are set on the R script. The user may set these variables in the slurm script as needed.

2. Align RNA-Seq reads

2.1 Prepare genome build

We use Hisat2 for the alignment of the raw reads. The first step in the alignment is to prepare the necessary files, commonly known as a reference genome build or index. This can be performed by the the following script. This step requires a mouse reference genome and a list of known SNPs.

#------- reference genome
# Download mouse reference genome (GRCm38)

# unzip reference genome
gunzip -d Mus_musculus.GRCm38.dna_sm.toplevel.fa.gz

#------ list of SNPs
# Download list of SNPs from UCSC (GRCm38 mapped positions)
# unzip the list of SNPs
gunzip -d snp142.txt.gz
  • Prepare genome build in a local computing environment

    bash src/sh/  --help
    src/sh/ -i genome_fasta -s SNP_file -o out_dir -p
        -i Path to the reference genome (to be used for the alignment)
        -s Path to the SNP file (to be used for the alignment)
        -p Path to the script
        -o Path to the directory where the outputs will be written

    Note: is originally distributed through Hisat2, and has been made available in this repository at src/Py/, under GNU General Public License. The original script can be found in the Hisat2 repository.

  • Prepare genome build through a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)

    sbatch src/slurm/prepare_genome_build.slurm

    If needed, the user should change the values of genome_fasta,snp_file,python_script and out_dir in the slurm script.

Alternatively, prebuilt genome indexes can be downloaded from the Hisat2 downloads. For this purpose, we can use the SNP-aware or SNP and transcript-aware genome indexes of the GRCm38 or mm10 reference genome.

# genome index with snps
wget -O Hisat2_prebuilt_GRCM38_snp.tar.gz
tar -xf Hisat2_prebuilt_GRCM38_snp.tar.gz

# genome index with transcripts and SNPs
wget -O Hisat2_prebuilt_GRCM38_transcripts_snp.tar.gz
tar -xf Hisat2_prebuilt_GRCM38_transcripts_snp.tar.gz

# delete the .tar.gz only keeping the extracted folder
rm *.tar.gz # make sure to run where only the download .tar.gz are present

The above commands can download and decompress the taballs from the Hisat2 download page. The paths to the extracted genome index folder should need to be provided for the alignment.

2.2 Perform sequence alignment

  • Perform sequence alignment in a local computing environment

    bash src/sh/ --help
    src/sh/ -i target_dir -x genome_index_path -n genome_index_name  -o out_dir
        -i Path to the target directory where trimmed fastq files are stored
        -x Path to the Hisat2 genome index
        -n Name of the Hisat2 genome index
        -o Path to the directory where the outputs will be written

    Note: -x genome_index_path is equivalent to setting the HISAT2_INDEXES environment variable, whereas -n genome_index_name should specify the base name of the index files. The basename is the name of any of the index files up to but not including the final .1.ht2 / etc. -i target_dir should be set on the output directory generated through the src/sh/ script.

  • Perform sequence alignment through a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)

    sbatch src/slurm/align_reads.slurm 

    The user may modify the target_dir, genome_index_path, genome_index_name, and out_dir in the slurm script.

2.3 Generate sorted and indexed BAM files

  • Generate BAM files in a local environment

    bash src/sh/ --help
    src/sh/ -i target_dir -o out_dir
        -i Path to the target directory where unsorted sam files are present
        -o Path to the directory where the outputs will be written
  • Generate BAM files through a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)

    sbatch src/slurm/unsoerted_sam_to_sorted_bam.slurm 

    The user may modify the target_dir, and out_dir in the slurm script as needed.

2.4 Get alignment statistics from the sorted BAM files

  • Get alignment statistics in a local environment

    bash src/sh/ --help
    src/sh/ -i target_dir -o out_dir
        -i Path to the target directory where unsorted sam files are present
        -o Path to the directory where the outputs will be written
  • Get alignment statistics through a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)

    sbatch src/slurm/get_alignment_stat.slurm

    The user may modify the input_dir, and output_dir in the slurm script as needed.

2.5 Summarize alignment statistics

  • Summarize alignment statistics with a R script
    Rscript src/R/summarize_alignment_stats.R --help
    -i INPUT, --input=INPUT
            Path to the folder where the outputs from '' are stored
    -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir=OUT_DIR
            A folder where the output will be written
    -h, --help
            Show this help message and exit
  • Summarize alignment statistics with a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)
    sbatch src/slurm/summarize_alignment_stats.slurm
    The user may modify the target_dir, and out_dir in the slurm script as needed.

3. Assemble RNA-Seq alignments into transcripts

3.1 Create sample-level transcript assembly

  • Create sample-level transcript assembly in a local environment

    bash src/sh/ --help
    src/sh/ -i target_dir -r ref_annotation -o out_dir
        -i Path to the target directory where the sorted BAM files are present
        -r Path to the reference genome annotation (GTF)
        -o Path to the directory where the outputs will be written
  • Create sample-level transcript assembly with a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)

    sbatch src/slurm/compute_transcript_assembly.slurm

    The user may modify the target_dir, annotation, and out_dir in the slurm script as needed.


  • This step needs a reference annotation file that can be downloaded from the UCSC goldenpath/mm10 and other online sources.

  • The user must ensure that the chromosome names in the BAM and the supplied GTF are consistent (i.e. either chr1..chrM or 1..M).

  • When using the prebuilt GRCm38 genome index provided by Hisat2 (for alignment), the user must update the GTF file to get consistent chromosome names (i.e chr1 --> 1).

    sed 's/\bchr\([0-9XYM]*\)/\1/' mm10.ncbiRefSeq.gtf > mm10.ncbi_RefSeq_clean.gtf

3.2 Merge sample-level assemblies into a consensus assembly of non-redundant transcripts

  • Merge sample assemblies in a local environment

    bash src/sh/ --help
    src/sh/ -i target_dir -r ref_annotation -o out_dir
        -i Path to the target directory sample-level gtf files are present
        -r Path to the reference genome annotation (GTF)
        -o Path to the directory where the outputs will be written
  • Merge sample assemblies with a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)

    sbatch src/slurm/merge_transcript_assemblies.slurm

    The user may modify the target_dir, annotation, and out_dir in the slurm script.

3.3 Create sample-level transcript assembly using the consensus assembly

Generate individual sample-level assembly using the script from section 3.1; the ref_annotation in this case is the merged gtf generated from the section 3.2. An additional slurm script compute_transcript_assembly_consensus.slurm has been provided. As in the section 3.1, this script uses the src/sh/

4. Get abundances

4.1 Merge and filter gene level abundances

  • Merge and filter gene level abundances in a local environment

    bash src/sh/ --help
    src/sh/ -i target_dir -o out_dir
        -i Path to the target directory where the * files are present (results from the previous step)
        -o Path to the directory where the outputs will be written
  • Merge and filter gene level abundances with a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)

    Due to the non-resource-intensive nature of the above script, a dedicated slurm script is not provided. Users are encouraged to run this script in the interactive mode (with ijob command). For more details, see notes for rivanna Users.

    # example
    ijob -A <account> -p <partition> -N 1 bash bash src/sh/ -i <target_dir> -o <out_dir>

4.2 Prepare gene and transcript level count matrix

  • Prepare count matrices in a local environment stringtie provides a python script ( that can easily convert the GTF files into count matrices. Using a custom script a list of the GTF files are prepared and fed into this script.

    bash src/sh/ --help
    src/sh/ -i target_dir -o out_dir
        -i Path to the target directory where the *_assembly.gtf files are present (results from the section 3.3)
        -o Path to the directory where the outputs will be written
  • Prepare count matrices with a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna)

    sbatch src/slurm/generate_count_matrices.slurm

    The user may modify the target_dir and out_dir in the slurm script.

4.3 Filter gene level count matrix

  • Filter gene level count matrix with a R script

    Rscript src/R/filter_gene_count_matrix.R --help
        -i INPUT, --input=INPUT
                Path to the gene_count_matrix.csv file is present
        -g GENE_LIST, --gene_list=GENE_LIST
                Path to the gene_count_filt_0.1TPM_twenty_percent file
        -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir=OUT_DIR
                A folder where the output will be written
        -h, --help
                Show this help message and exit
  • Filter gene level count matrix with a a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna):

    Due to the non-resource-intensive nature of the above script, a dedicated slurm script is not provided. Users are encouraged to run this script in the interactive mode (with ijob command)

4.4 Normalize gene level count matrix

  • Perform normalization with a R script

    Rscript src/R/normalize_gene_count_matrix.R --help
        -i INPUT, --input=INPUT
                Path to the gene_count_matrix.csv file is present
        -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir=OUT_DIR
                A folder where the output will be written
        -h, --help
                Show this help message and exit
  • Perform normalization with a a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna):

    Due to the non-resource-intensive nature of the above script, a dedicated slurm script is not provided. Users are encouraged to run this script in the interactive mode (with ijob command)

5. Compute peer factors

  • Compute peer factors with a python script:

    python2 src/Py/ --help
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -i FILE, --input=FILE
                            path to the input file
    -o FOLDER, --output=FOLDER
                            path to the output folder

    Note: A successful Peer installation provides a python2.7 instance where the original C++ API can be accessed through import peer command. This script relies on using the peer associated python interpreter. The input file is gene_abundance_vst_qnorm_nohead.csvgenerated in the previous step.

  • Compute peer factors with a slurm job (UVA internal on Rivanna):

    sbatch src/slurm/compute_peer_factors.slurm

    The user may modify the input and out_path in the slurm script.