Create an app in Swift that displays a list of Farmdrop producers and their details.
- Use this enpoint:
- No authentication is required for this endpoint.
- Response will contain a JSON object.
Parse the JSON object to produce a smooth scrolling list of producers.
Each cell should at least contain:
- The producer's name (JSON key
). - The producer's short description (
). Truncate it, if the length is more than ~3 / 4 lines long.
- When tapping on a producer's cell, it should be possible to see a detailed view of that producer with the following information:
- The producer's name.
- The producer's image (
). Use the first one if there's more than one. - The produceer's location (
) if available. - The producer's long description (
) or the short description is no long description is avaliable.
Note: If you want, you can fetch an invididual producer's date by specifying their id:{id}
B) Add pagination to your list of producers created as part of task A. You can use the same endpoint, and pass the followwuing query parameters:
: The page number (first page is 1).per_page_limit
: The size of the page.
NB: When there are no more pages, the response
key will contain an empty array.
- Use any technology or method you desire.
- Make sure that the list is kept up to date (or downloaded every time if you like) with the server data.
- When the user types a string in that search bar, display only the producer's whose name contains the search string.
- Allow the user to cancel such or clear the search bar.
- You can fork this repository and submit a link to your fork.
- Use a reactive framework like ReactiveSwift (ReactiveCocoa) or RxSwift if you're familiar with it.
- Feel free to use third party frameworks for JSON parsing, networking, image caching and so on.
- Add unit tests.
- Quality is better than quantity
- Maintain a consistent navigation structure, be it tabs or sliding menus
- Device orientation handling is not required, although we expect you to structure your code to be able to easily add support for this
- Architecture, how clean and structured the code is.
- Our endpoints use the following http methods: POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE, so choose a network framework that supports all of them.
- Compatibility with various devices and previous OS (iOS 9 and 10). Good use of additional libraries (if relevant).
- Use of built-in components, e.g.: UIStackView, UICollectionView, UISearchController, UITabBarController, UrlSession, URLRequest, CoreData, etc.
- Use of design patterns
- We make use of a lot of images, including using them for animation when navigating from screen to screen.
- Unit tests
Do not directly PUSH to this repository!!!