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akadlec edited this page Jan 10, 2024 · 6 revisions



This documentation is meant to be used by developers or users which has basic programming skills. If you are regular user please use FastyBird IoT documentation which is available on

The FastyBird MQTT Connector is an addition to the FastyBird IoT ecosystem that facilitates integration with devices using the FastyBird MQTT Convention protocol. This enables users to effortlessly connect and control their devices using the FastyBird MQTT Convention protocol within the FastyBird IoT ecosystem, providing a convenient and intuitive interface for managing and monitoring their devices.

About Connector

This connector has some services divided into namespaces. All services are preconfigured and imported into application container automatically.

  \API - Services and helpers related to API - for validation and data parsing
  \Clients - Services which handle communication with MQTT broker
  \Commands - Services used for user console interface
  \Entities - All entities used by connector
  \Helpers - Useful helpers for reading values, bulding entities etc.
  \Queue - Services related to connector internal communication
  \Schemas - {JSON:API} schemas mapping for API requests
  \Translations - Connector translations
  \Writers - Services for handling request from other services

All services, helpers, etc. are written to be self-descriptive 😉.


To better understand what some parts of the connector meant to be used for, please refer to the Naming Convention page.

Using Connector

The connector is ready to be used as is. Has configured all services in application container and there is no need to develop some other services or bridges.


Find fundamental details regarding the installation and configuration of this connector on the Configuration page.

This connector is equipped with interactive console. With this console commands you could manage almost all connector features.

  • fb:fb-mqtt-connector:install: is used for connector installation and configuration. With interactive menu you could manage connector, bridges and device.
  • fb:fb-mqtt-connector:execute: is used for connector execution. It is simple command that will trigger all services which are related to communication with devices via MQTT broker and other FastyBird IoT ecosystem services like state storage, or user interface communication.

Each console command could be triggered like this 🤓

php bin/fb-console fb:fb-mqtt-connector:install


The path to the console command may vary depending on your FastyBird application distribution. For more information, refer to the FastyBird documentation.

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