To get started using application follow the instructions below. This project was written on python 3.9, but it was also tested on version 3.7
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install aiohttp
pip install logging
pip install argparse
pip install fake-useragent
pip install webdriver-manager
pip install lxml
pip install configparser
pip install selenium
pip install pyinstaller #if you want compile to exe
Launching the application is as simple as possible:
python [nameofscript] [filmid]
python -kp 389
After parsing, the result will be placed in the created src folder In the "src" folder, you can find ready-made parsed movies in .json format
To compile the application, use the PyInstall package connected above
python -m PyInstall --onefile
in the dist folder you can find the compiled version of the program
The main parsing settings will be described here If you have registered on and got your own api, in this case, you can have your api in settings.ini
api = <YOUR API>
UPD: The api from the test account was used in the repository
The parser is built on using the xpath element, that is, there should be no binding to the class name of the object. But... the author is a trash coder... And therefore, the parser uses partially class name blocks, it is required to update it in settings.ini, as their developers change on the site
At the moment, the class of the main page is as follows: styles_root__2gHIX in the settings, the last part of it is taken
page = __2gHIX # you need to change it as the styles are updated
Have a nice parsing / Приятного парсинга