- 🎓 Student in Computer Engineering - Cybersecuruty at University of Pisa
- 🏐 Volleyball player
- 🌱 I like GUIs, web technologies, front-end things, etc, but
- 👯 I really like those ingenious middleware technologies and
- 🥅 I love low-level stuff!
- ⚡ Add the passion for electronics...
- 🤯 Yep, I'm also that kind of guy who plays with an Arduino!
University of Pisa. Final mark: 110/110.
• Thesis: "Implementazione su piattaforma NetLogo dell'algoritmo Particle Swarm Optimization for Robot Recruitment (PSO-RR)"
Univeristy of Pisa. Final mark: 110/110 L
• Thesis: "Distributed intrusion detection in cloud data centers"
- Web developer
- Projects in large-scale databases and cloud computing technologies
- CappeKernel (my own kernel for AMD64 computers for educational purposes)
- Game modder (Minecraft, Skyrim and Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 on PlayStation 2)