This project provides a markdown renderer for WPF. Markdown is rendered to a FlowDocument. This implementation uses the popular Markdig library for parsing.
At the current state, all common markdown features are supported (There might be some missing edge cases). Some of the most used Markdig extensions are also supported.
- CommonMark
Currently there are no plans to support Raw HTML and HTML blocks
- Pipe tables
- Alert blocks (github)
- Task lists
- Code block syntax highlighting
- Emphasis extras
- Defined image size (
) - Auto links
- Footnotes
- Emoji extension (add support for colored font emoji)
- Option to implement other Markdig extensions and provide custom renderers
- Improved theme for light mode
- Default theme for dark mode
Install nuget package
> dotnet add package DotNetElements.Wpf.Markdown --version <insert-latest-version-here>
Add styles to
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/DotNetElements.Wpf.Markdown;Component/Themes/Generic.xaml" />
- Add xaml namespace
- Add
<markdown:MarkdownTextBlock x:Name="MarkdownTextBlock" FontFamily="Segoe UI" />
- Set the
property (binding is supported)
MarkdownTextBlock.Text = "Hello world from **DotNetElements.Wpf.Markdown**";
- To change the styling options for the different markdown blocks, add a customized
MarkdownThemes myTheme = MarkdownThemes.Default;
myTheme.InlineCodeBackground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.HotPink);
MarkdownTextBlock.Theme = myTheme;
The project is a port of the CommunityToolkit MarkdownTextBlock component to the WPF framework.
See CommunityToolkit/Labs-Windows/MarkdownTextBlock
The code block syntax highlighting uses ColorCode-Universal and a customized version of ColorCode-WPF