Reproducibility of artificial intelligence models in computed tomography of the head – a systematic review
Here, you can find the code used for our review "Reproducibility of artificial intelligence models in computed tomography of the head – a systematic review" DOI:
Code is written in R 4.1.1
Our data, tables and statistics are available above.
A template for graphical representations of machine learning model architecture can also be found above ("Architecture"). The template is free to use.
Note: Critics, suggestions and comments are very well welcomed!
#get data and assign variables
data <- read.csv("Summary_papers.csv")
data <- data[1:83,]
#years of publication (freq & growth rate)
year_freq <- data.frame(table(data$Year))
year_freq$Var1 <- as.numeric(year_freq$Var1)
growth_rate = year_freq %>%
arrange(Var1) %>%
mutate(Diff_year = Var1 - lag(Var1),
Diff_growth = Freq - lag(Freq),
Rate_percent = (Diff_growth / Diff_year)/Freq * 100)
Average_growth = mean(growth_rate$Rate_percent, na.rm = TRUE)
#classes of papers (freq)
Class.string <- paste(data$Class_of_paper , collapse = ",")
Class.vector <- strsplit(Class.string , ",")[[1]]
Class.vector.clean <- gsub( " " , "" , Class.vector)
Class.of.paper <- data.frame(table(Class.vector.clean))
#architecture illustrations (y/n)
architecture <- data.frame(table(data$Graphic.of.architecture..1.y..0.n., useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.architecture <- architecture[,2]/sum(architecture[,2])
#open source code (y/n)
open.source <- data.frame(table(data$, useNA = "ifany")) <- open.source[,2]/sum(open.source[,2])
open.source <- cbind(open.source,
#train/val split (y/n)
train.val.split <- data.frame(table(data$Train.Validation_split..1.y..NA.n., useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.train.val.split <- train.val.split[,2]/sum(train.val.split[,2])
train.val.split <- cbind(train.val.split, Pct.train.val.split)
#seperate test set (y/n)
test.set <- data.frame(table(data$Test_holdout..1.y..0.n., useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.test.set <- test.set[,2]/sum(test.set[,2])
test.set <- cbind(test.set, Pct.test.set)
#external test set (y/n)
external.test <- filter(data, Test_holdout..1.y..0.n. == 1)
external.test <- data.frame(table(external.test$External_testset..1.y..0.n., useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.external.test <- external.test[,2]/test.set[2,2]
external.test <- cbind(external.test, Pct.external.test)
#preprocessing steps (y/n)
preproc <- data.frame(table(data$Preprocessing..1.y..0.n..NA.ND., useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.preproc <- preproc[,2]/sum(preproc[,2])
preproc <- cbind(preproc, Pct.preproc)
#hardware (CPU/GPU/both)
hardware <- data.frame(table(data$Hardware..0.GPU..1.CPU..2.both., useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.hardware <- hardware[,2]/sum(hardware[,2])
hardware <- cbind(hardware, Pct.hardware)
#algorithm types (freq)
Algo.string <- paste(data$Type, collapse = ",")
Algo.vector <- strsplit(Algo.string , ",")[[1]]
Algo.vector.clean <- gsub( " " , "" , Algo.vector)
algorithm <- data.frame(table(Algo.vector.clean, useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.algorithm <- algorithm[,2]/sum(algorithm[,2])
algorithm <- cbind(algorithm, Pct.algorithm)
#hyperparameters (min: learning rate, optimization, minibatch | max: dropout, epoch)
hyperparameters <- nrow(filter(data, == 1 | Learning.rate == 1 & batch.size == 1 & Optimization.algorithm == 1))
Pct.hyperparameters <- hyperparameters/nrow(filter(data, Type == "CNN"))
hyperparameters <- cbind(hyperparameters, Pct.hyperparameters)
epoch <- nrow(filter(data, == 1 |N.of.epochs..or.trees. == 1))
Pct.epoch <- epoch/nrow(filter(data, Type == "CNN"))
epoch <- cbind(epoch, Pct.epoch)
dropout <- nrow(filter(data, == 1 | Dropout == 1))
Pct.dropout <- dropout/nrow(filter(data, Type == "CNN"))
dropout <- cbind(dropout, Pct.dropout)
#loss function (y/n)
Loss.string <- paste(data$Loss.of.function, collapse = ",")
Loss.vector <- strsplit(Loss.string, ",")[[1]]
Loss.vector.clean <- gsub( " " , "" , Loss.vector)
loss.function <- data.frame(table(Loss.vector.clean, useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.loss.function <- data.frame(loss.function[,2]/sum(loss.function[,2]))
open.loss.function <- nrow(filter(data, == 1))
loss.function <- cbind(open.loss.function, loss.function,Pct.loss.function)
#Frameworks (freq)
Frame.string <- paste(data$Architektur, collapse = ",")
Frame.vector <- strsplit(Frame.string, ",")[[1]]
Frame.vector.clean <- gsub( " " , "" , Frame.vector)
Frame <- data.frame(table(Frame.vector.clean, useNA = "ifany"))
#ground truth (n,r,m)
Ground.truth <- data.frame(table(data$Ground.Truth, useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.Ground.truth <- Ground.truth[,2]/sum(Ground.truth[,2])
Ground.truth <- cbind(Ground.truth,Pct.Ground.truth)
#data source (single,multi,synth,NA)
Data.source <- data.frame(table(data$Source..0.single..1.multicentre..2.synthetisch., useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.Data.source <- Data.source[,2]/sum(Data.source[,2])
Data.source <- cbind(Data.source,Pct.Data.source)
#descriptive statistic data size
Data.size.desc <- paste(data$Size_dataset, collapse = ",")
Data.size.desc.vector <- strsplit(Data.size.desc, ",")[[1]]
Data.size.desc.clean <- gsub( " " , "" , Data.size.desc.vector)
Data.size.clean <- data.frame(as.numeric(Data.size.desc.clean))
Description.datasize <- describe(Data.size.clean)
#augmentation (y/n)
Augmentation <- data.frame(table(data$Augmentation..1.y..NA.n., useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.Augmentation <- Augmentation[,2]/sum(Augmentation[,2])
Augmentation <- cbind(Augmentation,Pct.Augmentation)
#resolution input (y/n)
Resolution <- data.frame(table(data$Dimension.Resolution.Input..1.y..0.n., useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.Resolution <- Resolution[,2]/sum(Resolution[,2])
Resolution <- cbind(Resolution,Pct.Resolution)
#colour space input (y/n)
Colour <- data.frame(table(data$, useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.Colour <- Colour[,2]/sum(Colour[,2])
Colour <- cbind(Colour,Pct.Colour)
#measurements of performance (freq by class of paper)
Classification <- filter(data, Class_of_paper == "Classification")
Detection <- filter(data, Class_of_paper == "Detection")
Prediction <- filter(data, Class_of_paper == "Prediction")
Segmentation <- filter(data, Class_of_paper == "Segmentation")
Triage <- filter(data, Class_of_paper == "Triage")
Reconstruction <- filter(data, Class_of_paper == "Reconstruction")
Fusion <- filter(data, Class_of_paper == "Fusion")
Generation <- filter(data, Class_of_paper == "Generation")
Quantification <- filter(data, Class_of_paper == "Quantification")
MOP.string.class <- paste(Classification$MOP, collapse = ",")
MOP.string.det <- paste(Detection$MOP, collapse = ",")
MOP.string.pred <- paste(Prediction$MOP, collapse = ",")
MOP.string.seg <- paste(Segmentation$MOP, collapse = ",")
MOP.string.tri <- paste(Triage$MOP, collapse = ",")
MOP.string.rec <- paste(Reconstruction$MOP, collapse = ",")
MOP.string.fus <- paste(Fusion$MOP, collapse = ",")
MOP.string.gen <- paste(Generation$MOP, collapse = ",")
MOP.string.qua <- paste(Quantification$MOP, collapse = ",")
MOP.vector.class <- strsplit(MOP.string.class , ",")[[1]]
MOP.vector.det <- strsplit(MOP.string.det , ",")[[1]]
MOP.vector.pred <- strsplit(MOP.string.pred , ",")[[1]]
MOP.vector.seg <- strsplit(MOP.string.seg , ",")[[1]]
MOP.vector.tri <- strsplit(MOP.string.tri , ",")[[1]]
MOP.vector.rec <- strsplit(MOP.string.rec , ",")[[1]]
MOP.vector.fus <- strsplit(MOP.string.fus , ",")[[1]]
MOP.vector.gen <- strsplit(MOP.string.gen , ",")[[1]]
MOP.vector.qua <- strsplit(MOP.string.qua , ",")[[1]]
MOP.vector.clean.class <- gsub( " " , "" , MOP.vector.class)
MOP.vector.clean.det <- gsub( " " , "" , MOP.vector.det)
MOP.vector.clean.pred <- gsub( " " , "" , MOP.vector.pred)
MOP.vector.clean.seg <- gsub( " " , "" , MOP.vector.seg)
MOP.vector.clean.tri <- gsub( " " , "" , MOP.vector.tri)
MOP.vector.clean.rec <- gsub( " " , "" , MOP.vector.rec)
MOP.vector.clean.fus <- gsub( " " , "" , MOP.vector.fus)
MOP.vector.clean.gen <- gsub( " " , "" , MOP.vector.gen)
MOP.vector.clean.qua <- gsub( " " , "" , MOP.vector.qua)
MOP.all.class <- data.frame(table(MOP.vector.clean.class, useNA = "no"))
MOP.all.det <- data.frame(table(MOP.vector.clean.det, useNA = "no"))
MOP.all.pred <- data.frame(table(MOP.vector.clean.pred, useNA = "no"))
MOP.all.seg <- data.frame(table(MOP.vector.clean.seg, useNA = "no"))
MOP.all.tri <- data.frame(table(MOP.vector.clean.tri, useNA = "no"))
MOP.all.rec <- data.frame(table(MOP.vector.clean.rec, useNA = "no"))
MOP.all.fus <- data.frame(table(MOP.vector.clean.fus, useNA = "no"))
MOP.all.gen <- data.frame(table(MOP.vector.clean.gen, useNA = "no"))
MOP.all.qua <- data.frame(table(MOP.vector.clean.qua, useNA = "no"))
Pct.MOP.class <- MOP.all.class[,2]/sum(MOP.all.class[,2])
MOP.all.class <- cbind(MOP.all.class,Pct.MOP.class)
Pct.MOP.det <- MOP.all.det[,2]/sum(MOP.all.det[,2])
MOP.all.det <- cbind(MOP.all.det,Pct.MOP.det)
Pct.MOP.pred <- MOP.all.pred[,2]/sum(MOP.all.pred[,2])
MOP.all.pred <- cbind(MOP.all.pred,Pct.MOP.pred)
Pct.MOP.seg <- MOP.all.seg[,2]/sum(MOP.all.seg[,2])
MOP.all.seg <- cbind(MOP.all.seg,Pct.MOP.seg)
Pct.MOP.tri <- MOP.all.tri[,2]/sum(MOP.all.tri[,2])
MOP.all.tri <- cbind(MOP.all.tri,Pct.MOP.tri)
Pct.MOP.rec <- MOP.all.rec[,2]/sum(MOP.all.rec[,2])
MOP.all.rec <- cbind(MOP.all.rec,Pct.MOP.rec)
Pct.MOP.fus <- MOP.all.fus[,2]/sum(MOP.all.fus[,2])
MOP.all.fus <- cbind(MOP.all.fus,Pct.MOP.fus)
Pct.MOP.gen <- MOP.all.gen[,2]/sum(MOP.all.gen[,2])
MOP.all.gen <- cbind(MOP.all.gen,Pct.MOP.gen)
Pct.MOP.qua <- MOP.all.qua[,2]/sum(MOP.all.qua[,2])
MOP.all.qua <- cbind(MOP.all.qua,Pct.MOP.qua)
Compare.string <- paste(data$, collapse = ",")
Compare.vector <- strsplit(Compare.string , ",")[[1]]
Compare.vector.clean <- gsub( " " , "" , Compare.vector)
Compare <- data.frame(table(Compare.vector.clean, useNA = "ifany"))
Pct.Compare <- Compare[,2]/sum(Compare[,2])
Compare <- cbind(Compare,Pct.Compare)
prevalence <- read.csv("Prevalences.csv")
prev.train.desc <- describe(prevalence$Prevalence_Training)
prev.test.desc <- describe(prevalence$Prevalence_Testset)
prev.real.desc <- describe(prevalence$Prevalence.Reality)
#check for normality
hist(prevalence$Prevalence_Training, breaks = 10)
hist(prevalence$Prevalence_Testset, breaks = 10)
hist(prevalence$Prevalence.Reality, breaks = 10)
#check for difference
train.t.test <- t.test(prevalence$Prevalence_Training,prevalence$Prevalence_Testset)
train.t.real <- t.test(prevalence$Prevalence_Training, prevalence$Prevalence.Reality)
test.t.real <- t.test(prevalence$Prevalence_Testset, prevalence$Prevalence.Reality)
ggplot(data %>% count(Year, Class_of_paper),
aes(fill=Class_of_paper, y=n, x=Year)) +
geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") +
scale_x_discrete(limits=c(2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,30)) +
theme(legend.title = element_text(size=9),
legend.text = element_text(size=7),
legend.key.size = unit(3, 'mm'),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 9, hjust=1,vjust=0.5),
text=element_text(size=12, family="Lato Bold"),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white")) +
ylab("Number of publications") +
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Main function"))