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In order to evaluate the stability we have done 48 experiments without delay.

This experiment was repeated twice on D1.

The variation for RGB is less than 0.1%.

The experiment was redone using a delay of 600s between them. The main variation is probably due to temperature changes.We observe that the changes now can reach up to 0.5% and is very related to the color.

In order to confirm the temperature importance this experiment was redone by acquiring as well the temperature.

We can clearly see a inverted correlation between the red variation and the temperature.

When repeating the same experiment blank (no sample) / sample (no sample) + blank / sample, etc.

Sample 1:

  • 0.54
  • 0.55
  • 0.54
  • 0.56
  • 0.56
  • 0.55
  • 0.55

Sample 2:

  • 1.2
  • 1.27
  • 1.24
  • 1.24
  • 1.25
  • 1.22

Stability related to cuvette

When we insert / remove the cuvette we observe the following values

  • 197474
  • 191596
  • 190325
  • 173893
  • 190822
  • 201730
  • 202131
  • 190058
  • 205585
  • 186595

What we observe is that the orientation of the cell is critical. If we force the rotation of the cell between parallel or distort we have the followings values:

  • 229460
  • 183143

Turning of 90° the cell as also big impact depending I guess the quality of the cuvette. In our case (with cheap plastic ones) we observe:

  • 219035
  • 259780
  • 215050
  • 263096
  • 217012
  • 249061
  • 213230

Hacking of the case

It appears that when measuring the difference of absorbance between an empty tank and a tank full of water, the values were aberrants. Indeed the energy was higher with the water than without. One of the problem could be that there is a space inside the tank hole that could lead to refraction. We designed a piece to hide this space using 3D printing.

We obtained theses results that differ from the one with the ones without the piece:

Empty tank without piece R G B
Mean of energy 353033,4 317978,2 59185,9
SD 149,01 23,69 5,30

Tank H2O without piece R G B
Mean of energy 472297,8 421643,8 59170,7
SD 115,89 106,08 3,02

Empty tank with piece R G B
Mean of energy 327422,2 322457,5 397948,8
SD 43,81 28,99 131,21

Tank H2O with piece R G B
Mean of energy 414108,5 422623,7 50511,6
SD 53,73 43,92 33,59

Orientation of the piece

Test orientation with piece R G B
Mean of energy 61153 141100,7 177537,6
SD 484,21 1089,87 1050,4

Test orientation without piece R G B
Mean of energy 91207,2 256636,7 181855,8
SD 7635,79 22432,84 711,92

Here are stored all of our measures for the hacking of the case:

Test measures for UV